19 May 2011
Latest Exhibition : The Manchester Furniture Show 2011 曼切斯特国际家具展
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22 December 2010
Malaysia International Furniture Fair 2011 马来西亚国际家具展 ( MIFF )
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Products > Coffee Table
Amber 01 Coffee Table - Maple
Blango GL420 Coffee Table - H.G.White
Blango GL440 Coffee Table - H.G.White
Blango Nino 01 Coffee Table - H.G.White
Carmen 01 Coffee Table - Cherry
Chanel 01 Coffee Table - Gerine
Cosca 01 Coffee Table - Wenge
Fendi 01 Coffee Table - Wenge
Geode SH200-01 Coffee Table - H.G.White
Geode SH200-01 Coffee Table - H.G.Black
Geode SH200-01 Coffee Table - Beech
Geode G40-02 Coffee Table - H.G.White
1 | 2 | 3 |
Coffee Table
Centre Table
Console Table
End Table
TV Cabinet
Dining Set
Bedroom Set
Occasional Set
Dressing Table and Mirror
Side Board and Mirror
Showcase & Divider
Chest Drawer
PowerLink Modulinks Sockets

Have Sockets Will Travel


Product Features


Product Specifications



Available Socket Types

British Socket

Australian Socket

Universal Socket

Telephone Line Surge Protector Socket

USB Charger Socket

Cable TV Surge Protector Socket

TV Antenna Surge Protector Socket


Product Demo Video


Product Pamphlet




PowerLink OSIDUN Computer Radiation Reducer                               

Zaps Invisible Pollution


Worry no more about exposure to the harmful effects of electro-magnetic radiation emitted by your computer with this small but powerful computer radiation reducer.


Product Features


Product Specifications


Product Demo Video

Product Pamphlet

Product Knowledge
Most people will experience some eye trouble at one time or another. Eyes can be tired, dry, bloodshot, infected or itchy to name a few conditions. Call or see an eye care professional for any of these problems that last more than a day or two.

Medical science has proven that 90% of the eyes diseases are the result of hypoxia (lack of oxygen). When oxygen and water supply to the eye ball is low, which slow down metabolism and detoxification process around the eye ball, a host of eye-related diseases such as astigmatism, glaucoma, cataracts, myopia, presbyopia, floaters, dry eye, etc began to develop.

All of the above abnormal conditions can be effectively dealt with when you begin wearing ionSpec “wellness @ work” Anion Energy spectacle within 4 to 6 weeks. ionSpec nano technology are providing cooling and more oxygen environment (so call negative ion) to our eyes area. This is good enough to provide extra oxygen supply to the eyeballs and to relief tiredness for the eyes. The elements of FIR and Anion is to promote blood circulation, metabolism, improve and avoid eye diseases.
common eye diseases caused by hypoxia
Conjunctivitis (Sometimes Called “Pinkeye”)
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane that lines the eyelid and wraps around to cover most of the white of the eye. The eyes will appear bloodshot and tearing, sometimes swollen. They often itch and are irritated. The infected membrane is filled with pus so the eyelids may stick together after being closed for a while (like while you are sleeping). Carefully splash them with some cool water to loosen any "gunk" so you can open them.

This condition can be caused by allergies, bacterial infection, viral infection, makeup, contact lens solutions or another physical irritant. Conjunctivitis is VERY contagious if it is caused by a viral infection. It may start in one eye and then spread to the other. Be careful after washing and drying your face -- don't let anyone else use that towel, as it is contagious. It often spreads from one family member to another. Make sure you wash your hands after touching or rubbing your eyes.

Conjunctivitis that is associated with hay fever (allergies) may be treated with prescription eye drops. It is not contagious and is often worse in the morning. Let your health care provider know you are having this problem, there are OTC and prescription eye drops that may lessen your symptoms. If you think you have viral or bacterial conjunctivitis call your eye doctor or health care provider. Sometimes with viral conjunctivitis no prescription is given, as it has to just run its course. But if it is very uncomfortable your health care provider may prescribe eye drops to make you more comfortable. Bacterial conjunctivitis can be treated with prescription eye drops.
Corneal Ulcer
If the cornea (the membrane that covers the front of the eye) is damaged, the eye becomes inflamed and often very sensitive to light. Damage may occur as a result of an injury, often you get a scratch on your eye from a foreign object or from something else like if you walk through some tall bushes and get scratched in the eye by a branch. Or, if you fall in some dirt while rollerblading or cycling and your eye gets scratched by a pebble. Call your health care provider right away if you do get a scratch like this on the surface of the eyeball. An infection can occur from the ulceration. You will be given prescription eye drops and sometimes oral medication to prevent infection. The eye can heal very quickly, but you must seek attention quickly with this kind of injury.
Eyestrain causes a dull, aching sensation around and behind the eyes that can progress into a generalized headache. It may feel painful or fatiguing to focus the eyes. Eyestrain is commonly a result of overuse of the eyes for activities requiring close and precise focus, such as reading, embroidering, sewing or using the computer! This has become a common problem for people who work or surf the net often. Its important to look away from the screen from time to time and buy one of those UVA filters for you computer, it really helped my eye strain!

What to do?
Lie down, close your eyes, place a cold compress (cold, clean, wash cloth is fine) over your eyes. Relax your eyes for at least ten minutes. Try to avoid eyestrain by taking periodic "focus breaks". About every twenty minutes try to look away from your work and focus on something in the distance for a minute or two.

ALSO... get enough sleep, your eyes will get eyestrain easier if you are very tired. If you have severe pain with blurred vision, call an eye care professional or other professional help at once.
IonSpec Product
Model: 01
Price: $120
Redemption:180 points
Model: 02 Black
Price: $260
Redemption:390 points
Model: 02 White
Price: $260
Redemption:390 points
Model: 02 Blue
Price: $260
Redemption:390 points
Model: 02 Kids Black
Price: $230
Redemption:350 points
Model: 04
Price: $260
Redemption:390 points
Model: 05 Gold
Price: $260
Redemption:390 points
Model: 05 Silver
Price: $260
Redemption:390 points
Model: 05 Kids Gold
Price: $260
Redemption:390 points
Model: 06 KidsSilver
Price: $260
Redemption:390 points
Model: 06 Silver
Price: $380
Redemption:580 points
Model: 06 Gold
Price: $380
Redemption:580 points
Model: 07 Silver
Price: $380
Redemption:580 points
Model: 08
Price: $360
Redemption:550 points
Model: 09 Kids
Price: $320
Redemption:480 points
Model: Sunglass 01
Price: $460
Redemption:690 points
Model: Sunglass 02
Price: $460
Redemption:690 points
Model: Sunglass 03
Price: $460
Redemption:690 points
Model: Sunglass 04
Price: $460
Redemption:690 points


Sharing Testimonial:My name is Gavin Choo, age 18. I am from Kuala Lumpur . One night, I was playing facebook game on my computer for many hours. My eyes were tired and I have trouble keeping them open. I was very addicted to the game. I then decided to put on my mum’s pair of nano ionspec glasses to shield my eyes from the radiation coming from the computer. However, in less than 10 minutes after putting the glasses on, I felt the tiredness around both my eyes have disappeared and my eyelids were no longer heavy anymore. I told my other family members about what happen to my eyes after putting them on. Now, my brother, sister and myself wear nano ionspec glasses when we are studying at home. Wearing nano ionspec glasses allow us to stay awake while doing our exam revision. Thank you

Sharing Testimonial:I decided to buy a pair of Nano ionspec glasses after being told about the benefits of high energy ions and far infra red rays which can help improve the blood circulation in our eyes. One morning, I felt my eyes very tired and my head very heavy. I felt a headache was coming. I remembered what the nano ionspec glasses can do. I put them on and sure enough I was feeling less tired around the eyes and my head was no longer heavy. In fact, it was like someone just awake from his sleep. The nano ionspec glasses allow me to work through the whole afternoon on that day. I now recommend nano ionspec glasses to all my friends. Thanks to my sister who introduce me to this products.

Sharing Testimonial:I would like to share with everyone what I recently discovered about wearing nano ionspec glasses. One evening, I went to a friend’s house to introduce this products to her and her family members. When I decided to go home about 8.30 pm, I realize that I forgot to bring my driving glasses with me. Without my driving glasses, I wouldn’t be able to drive at night. However, I was wearing my nano ionspec glasses. I had to drive home anyhow. To my surprise, I can see very clearly into the darkness through my nano ionspec glasses. I drove home safely that night. Thanks to nano ionspec glasses.

体验分享: 我这老人家已经有六十多岁了,眼睛患上了眼膜症,通过朋友介绍ionspec 納米眼镜,我把眼镜经常戴着,看电视时也戴着,自从用了ionspec眼镜之后,眼睛里有很多肮脏的东西流出来,起初很担心,后来眼睛变得清晰多了,才知道那时自然反应。有一次走街时,还在路边捡到两百块咧,要是以前的我,可能会以为那是一堆垃圾,而把他给踢开,因为那时我看东西不是很清楚。原来戴了这个眼镜帮了我这样多的忙,其他的不说,我做起事来就方便了很多,奇妙的是,这个眼镜哦!连伤风感冒时,都可以止住鼻涕,这个眼镜可以一物两用,真的是太神奇了。当大家看到这个见证时,或许你不相信,但是你不妨试一试,对你不会有损失,只会有利益。
Mr.Lee (Kuala Lumpur)

体验分享: 我的这个飞蚊症,已经快两年了,起初是由右眼开始,无端端这个症状就会出现,出现时眼睛所看之物好像有黑影球在晃动,在你眼前飞来飞去,当你要抓住它时,你却抓不到,因它只是黑影球。经过很长时间,右眼的黑影球不断增加,好像泡沫。继而左眼也渐渐开始了,但左眼的黑影球只是稍微的几粒,还不是很严重。此时经过儿子的提议,我认识了ionspec納米眼镜,我每晚上床睡之前戴上20到30分钟,连续两个星期左右,之后慢慢的左眼已经好转了、也清晰了,虽然右眼还没有好,但我想应该是需要时间,去慢慢治疗,我更相信这个产品会让我的右眼恢复,所以我会继续用这个产品,直到右眼恢复正常为止。From SIMON (KL)

体验分享: 我是年康, 每当我玩电脑久了,我的眼睛和头很痛而且人又很累。我妈妈买了ionspec納米眼镜给我,带了之后,我玩电脑久了,也不会有之前的问题出现了。谢谢ionspec納米眼镜产品。Bintulu

体验分享: 我是来自沐胶的琇媛, 沐胶连接全砂各市镇的主要交通大道在fb里叫“地狱路”Hell Road。约45公里的路程,需要花至少两个小时的车程。为何?因路途颠簸不平。艳阳天只见尘土满天飞扬,下雨天就如鸡蛋托盘盛Teh C(窟窿+泥浆),路上遇见翻车或抛锚车不稀奇。对我来说走一趟路是好辛苦的,因为我会晕车,有时必须停车抓“兔”(吐)。但最近几趟行程,我发觉晕车的状况已经改善了!相信是我换了一副ionspec納米眼镜镜框,这真的是意外的收获。因为我买納米眼镜的真正用意是,我有长时间看电脑的习惯,为了坑疲劳和降低辐射的伤害。想不到它们能够为我的身体提供优越的健康能量。谢谢ionspec納米眼镜给我们这样棒的产品。

体验分享: 三年前,我的眼睛内的微细血管破裂,促使我一定要做这一个小小的手术,医生advise我手术不进行,会导致我的眼睛瞎去。但这个手术完成后,使我的眼睛从原本500度近视变成目前的1000度近视。在一个星期前,朋友 (Steve)介绍了ionspec(納米眼镜)给我用,说对我的眼睛有帮助。当时我是半信半疑。之后的每个晚上我都带上这个眼镜,使用二十分钟来治疗。第二天早上,我的眼睛有了微妙的感觉,看东西清晰了。第三天和第四天感觉都是一样很好,清晰再多了。“怀疑”是人的天性,当天晚上,我停止使用它,没想到当不用时,视觉就像以前模糊。经过这一试,我很肯定,它的确可以帮助到我的眼睛。现在,我每个晚上都会带上它二十分钟,用以治疗我的眼睛,我相信每天醒来时都会为我带来惊喜。Agnes:吉隆坡

体验分享: 青光眼--
因为年轻时不懂得爱护眼睛,不幸中年时患上了青光眼。青光眼不可以在冷气房里太久,而且又怕光,也不可在太阳下太久,所以我就听医生的叮咛,不能在户外活动。晚上又不可以驾车,时常流眼泪。经朋友介绍ionspec納米眼镜,我把納米眼镜贴在眼睛上睡觉,隔天起身我就觉得有所不同。第二天就继续贴在眼睛上睡觉。到了第四天,我约了眼科医生动手术。医生也甚惊讶,说我的青光眼已经好了。不过他要求我在下个月再次检查。以证明青光眼已经康复的事实。我非常感谢我的朋友Ms. Chin,是她让我认识了ionspec 納米眼镜,把我的担心(因为青光眼会变成瞎眼)化为快乐。谢谢ionspec納米眼镜,也让大家知道納米眼镜有这么大的效果,这是我 没有想到的事情。(丽清,Sabah)