CONTACT INFORMATION:              马来西亚杂货商总会章程:


地址 Address:
No 20-2, Jln 1/92B Pudu Ulu, 
Off Jln Cheras, 56100
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

电话 Tel: 
+603 - 9205 5966
传真 Fax:
+603 - 9205 5977


办公时间, 休息日:




休息日: 星期日及公共假期





















本会的註地址No.20-2, Jalan 1/92B, Pudu Ulu, Off Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, 或由理事会隨時决定的任何其他地点 ,而通訊地址No.20-2, Jalan 1/92B, Pudu Ulu, Off Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur









(i) 本会宗旨为团结马来西亚内的杂货商公会,加紧团结,促进友爱,谋求社会福利,并与国内各民族合法团体建立联系,以促进亲善與友谊。本会也將设立奖学金,贷学金及福 利金小组。奖学金,贷学金及其他福利组需分别定立规章,并需获得社团註 册官之批准。


(ii) 本会可举办国际商业活动,并在需要时,另设小组来协助这些活动的進行。




















(a)年捐:每年 $200.00,得在每年的一月至3預先缴付。


(b) 必要时会员大会得通过议案向会员鸠收特别捐,惟需事先获得社团註册官的批准。


(c)新会员,在入会申请书被批准的同时,需缴RM2,000.00 作为本会发展基金。








(ii)常年会员大会须于财政年结束后尽快召开,惟不得超过每年五月。如有必要时,会长得召开特别会员大会。在获得5名会员联合签署书面要求 时,会长需在接信后30天内召开特別会员大会。会议地点及时间得隨後决定。


(iii)在会员大会中,每一会员可派出3名代表及数位观察员出席。惟需在一周前书面 将名单通知会长。會長将相應發出证书以顯現其重要性。




(v)在会员大会召开前一个月,列明议程的大会通告,連同已査核之上一年账目,得寄发给各会员。会员如有任 何提案,需在一周前呈交给会长,以便呈上大会讨论。




(vii)在大会中,所有会员代表均有发言、投票及被选权。会议主席除作为其本身公会 代表拥有一票权外,如遇有对一议案的支持与反对票数相等时,则另拥有投下决定性 的一票之权力。大会的法定人数为会员代表人数的三分之一。如在开会预定时间后 半小时乃未有法定人数,大会必须流会并展期在14天内再次召开。日期由理事会 决定。如在半小时过后,仍未有足够的法定人数出席,则出席之代表有权修改本会章程及作出影响全体会员之议决案。






















(ix)(a) 本会理事会及內部査账需遵照第八(a);(b);(c)(d) 条文,在常年大 会中以不记名选票选出。        


      (b)没有拖欠年捐之会员,才有选举及被选的权利。新入会的会员,需在入会申 请书被批准两年后,才有选举及被选的权利。    


(x) 理事会理事及內部査账之任期为3年。如遇理事死亡或辞职,其空缺将由理事会委任一名代表填补,任期直到下次选举。






(a)本会理事會得 由下列成员組成:


1 会长;




4 副会长;


1 总务;


4 副总务;


1 财政;


1 副财政




(b) 理事会可在各会员的代表中委任一位委任理事。


(c) 所有理事会成员以及执行会务之职委,必须为马来西亚公民。


(d) 理事会的选举如下:












(g) 理事会得在每3个月內召开一次会议。会长亦可在需要时召开会议。法定人数为理事会成员人數的 三分之一。


(h)  開會通告需在14天前發出,並附上前期議案及最新的財政報告。


(i)  在接獲5名理事會成員聯名書面要求下,得召開特別理事會議。








(i) ) 执行大会及理事会会议议决。




(iii) 在外务上,代表本会。


(iv) 主持本會所有会议。


(v) 掌管本会印章及签署所有文件。




(b) 理会长








(d) 总务




(ii) 联同会长及财政签署本会支票。












(f) 财政




















(a)任何不超过 RM2000.00之开支,可由总务給予批准。任何不超过RM5,000.00之开支, 可由会长給予批准。惟超过RM5,000.00但不超过RM10,000.00的开支,需事先經理事会批准。超过RM10,000.00之开支,需事先經会员大会批准。惟上述數額不施予政府部門的应付款項。  














(a)本会的不动产需以本会名义 註册,有关文件需由3名主要职委,即会长、总务及财政联同签署,并加盖本会卬章,方為有如註冊业主般有效。此3名主要职委之職位,需有社团註册官的书面证書加以證明。








在大会休会期間,理事会得詮釋本会章程的含义,并在有需要時,確定章程内未述及事项。而理 事会之决定为最后之决定,除非另由会员大会议决加以撤销。






















本章程或条例可由会员大会提出修改。所有修改需经社团註册官批准后,    才開始生效。






(a)因在未预见的情况下本会的解散,需交由会员大会议决。大会需有3/5 会员出席, 并獲得 2/3出席代表支持。












Persekutuan Persatuan-Persatuan Peniaga-Peniaga 
Barang-Barang Runcit Malaysia (1987)

Constitution Of Federation of Sundry Goods Merchants Associations of Malaysia (1987).
Rules and Regulations
Chapter 1: Name
1. The name of the Association shall be Persekutuan Persatuan-Persatuan Peniaga-Peniaga Barang-
    Barang Runcit Malaysia (Federation of Sundry Goods Merchants Associations of Malaysia (1978))
2. The objects of the Association shall be to unite the various Sundry Goods Associations in
Malaysia, to strengthen the unity, to foster friendship, to strive for social welfare, and to establish
connections with the various lawful societies of all races in this country so as to promote mutual
goodwill and friendliness. The Association will also set up scholarships, educational credit funds
and other welfare organizations. The bylaws scholarships, educational credit funds and other
welfare organizations shall be drawn up separately, to be approved by the Registrar of Societies.

3. (A) Qualification: Any Sundry Goods Merchants Association or any Association whose membership is 
         confirned to sundries goods merchants within Malaysia that has been registered by the 
         Registrar of Societies, Malaysia shall be eligible to apply for membership.

    (B) Application: Applicant for membership should fill up the application form specified by the 
         Association and submit to the Association. The applicant shall become a member, after its 
         application has been passed by the General Meeting.

Registered Address and Place of Meeting
4.(A) The registered address and place of meeting of the Association shall be No.20-2, Jalan
1/92B, Pudu Ulu, Off Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur. The registered address of the
 Association shall not be changed without the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies.
   (B)The meeting place of the Association shall be the registered address of the Association
or any other venue chosen by the Standing Committee of the Association.
Chapter 2 : Constitution
5. (A) The Standing Committee of the Association shall consist of: One President, One Deputy President,
four Vice President, One Secretary-General , four Assistant Secretary-General , One Treasurer, an One
Assistant Treasurer, and Ten Ordinary Committee Members. 
    (B) The Standing Committee may appoint an Appointed Committee Member from the delegates of each member.
    (C) All members of the Standing Committee  and every officer performing executive function in the Association shall be Malaysian Citizen.
    (D) The election of Standing Committee shall be as follows:
          (I) Election of the Standing Committee shall be held once in every three (3) years
              at the Annual General Meeting of Members.
         (II) During the election at the Annual General Meeting of Members, representatives
              of each member have only one vote to represent   the respective member.
        (III) An Internal Auditor, who shall not be a member of the Standing Committee,
              shall be elected at the same time.
 Chapter 3 : Powers and Duties
6. The General Meeting shall be the supreme authority of the Association with powers as below :-
    (A) To accept from the Standing Committee the report of the Association's affairs of the
         previous year.
    (B) To accept the report on the audited accounts of the previous year and to approve the
         estimated expenditures for the coming year.
    (C) To elect the Standing Committee for the coming year and the Auditor.
    (D) To plan and to make decisions on the various important matters.
    (E) To make amendments to the Rules of the Association, if necessary.
    (F) To approve application for new members.
    (G) To appoint an External Auditor for the term.

7. After the General Meeting has been terminated the Standing Committee shall execute all the affairs
   of the Association.

8. (A) Duties of President:
         (1) To execute the resolution passed at the General Meeting and the Standing Committee.
         (2) To manage all meetings of the Association.
         (3) To represent the Association in all external dealings.
         (4) To be the Chairman at all meetings.
         (5) To have control over the seal of the Association, and to sign all documents.
         (6) To sign cheques in conjunction with the Treasurer and the General Secretary.

    (B) Duties of Deputy-President:
         The Deputy President shall assist the President in all affairs of the Association
         and shall deputise for the President during the later' sabsence.
   (C) Duties of Vice-President
         The Vice-President shall assist the President in managing the affairs of the Association,
         and shall deputise for him during the absence ofthe President and the Deputy-President.

9. (A) Duties of the General Secretary :
         (1) To conduct the general businesses of the Association in consultation with the President.
         (2) To sign cheques in conjunction with the President and the Treasurer.
         (3) To have control over all the documents of the Association.
         (4) To preserve a register of members, in which shall be recorded the names of the members,
              their addresses, identity cards numbers, occupation and date of admission to membership.
         (5) To attend all meetings of the Association and record the proceedings.

     (B) Duties of the Assistant Secretary:
          To assist the General Secretary in conducting the business of the Association, and to deputize 
          for him during his absence.

10. (A) Duties of the Treasurer:
          (1) To have control over all receipts and payments and all accounts of the Association. He 
               shall be permitted to keep as petty cash a sum not more than RM 1,000.00.
               Any excess cash shall be deposited into a bank accounta pproved by the Standing Committee.
              The bank account shall be in the name of the Association.
          (2) To sign cheques in conjunction with the President and the General Secretary.
          (3) To keep a proper subscription book and account books.

      (B) Duties of the Assistant Treasurer:
           To assist the Treasurer in performing his duties, and deputize for him during his absence.

11. Duties of the Auditor:
     To audit all the statement of receipts, payments and vouchers of the Association.

Chapter 4: Election
12. (A) The Standing Committee of the Association and the Auditor shall be elected by secret ballot at the 
      Annual General Meeting in accordance with Rules5(b) ; (c) & (D).
      (B) Only members who have paid and settled the yearly subcriptions shall be entitled to vote and to
            be voted for posts in the Standing Committee. As for new members, only those who have
            obtained admission of memberships for two (2) years shall be entitled to vote and to be voted.

Chapter 5: Tenure of Office
13. The tenure of office of the Standing Committee Members and the Auditor shall be three (3) years. In
     the event of the death, or resignation of a member of the Standing Committee, the vacancy shall
     be filled by a delegate appointed by the Standing Committee until the next election.

Chapter 6: Meetings
14. The Annual General Meeting shall be held as soon as possible after the close of each financial year but not later than the month of May each year. The place of meeting shall be the registered address of the Association. In case of necessity the President shall convened an Extraordinary General Meeting. Upon receiving a written request jointly signed by five members, the President shall convene an extraordinary General Meeting within thirty (30) days from receipt of such request. The place and time of meeting shall then be fixed.

15. At the General Meeting of members each member shall be entitled to send three (3) representatives plus a few observers to attend the Meeting. But the President should be notified in writing the names of the delegates one week before the Meeting. They shall be issued with certificates as indication of importance.

16. A month before the Annual General Meeting is convened written notices with agenda and the audited accounts of the previous year annexed, shall be sent to all members. Any proposal by any member shall be submitted to the President on week before the Meeting so that it could be tabled at the Meeting.

17. Two weeks prior written notice shall be given for an Extraordinary General Meeting.

18. At the General Meeting, all delegates have the right to make speeches, to vote and to be voted. Apart from voting as a delegate for his society, the Chairman shall, if the votes for and against a  proposal are equal, have the right to cast the decisive vote. One-half of the total number of member s delegates shall constitute a quorum. If half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be postponed to a date (not exceeding 14 days) to be decided by the Standing Committee, and if a quorum is not present half an hour after the time appointed for the postponed meeting, the members present shall have the power to alter the rules of the Association or to make a decision affecting the whole membership.

19. (A) The Standing Committee Meeting shall be convened once in three months. The President may also convene the Meeting whenever it is deemed necessary. More than one-half of the number of Standing Committee Members present shall constitute a quorum.
      (B) The notice of meeting shall be sent to all Standing Committee Members fourteen (14) days before the date of the Meeting , attaching the minutes of the last meeting and up-to-date financial report.
     (C) On receiving a written request jointly by five (5) members of the Standing Committee, a Special Standing Committee Meeting shall be convened.

Chapter 7: Finance
20. (A) The annual subscription of the Association shall be $200.00 payable in advance on or before
           the first three months of each year.

      (B) When it is deemed necessary, a resolution shall be passed by the General Meeting to raise
           special contributions from the members with the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies.
      (C) An entrance fee of Ringgit Malaysia Two Thousand (RM2,000.00) shall be levied
           for new member as Development Fund of the Association on the approval of his application of membership.
Chapter 8 : Trustees
21. (A) The immovable properties of the Association shall be registered in the name of the Association 
          and all instruments relating to those properties shall be as valid and effective as if they have 
          been executed by a registered proprietor provided that they are executed by the 3 principal 
          office-bearers for the time being of the Association, namely the President, the General 
          Secretary and the Treasurer, whose appointments are authenticated by a certificate of the 
          Registrar of Societies and seal with the Official Seal of the Association.

     (B) The Executive Committee shall take charge of the movable and immovable properties of the 
          Association, but with the proviso that the purchase, sale, mortgage or transfer of all or any of 
          the movable and immovable properties of the Association shall be decided at a General Meeting 
          of the Association and with the consent of not less than 2/3 of the members present at such 

Chapter 9 : Dissolution
22. (A) The dissolution of the Association under unforeseen circumstances shall be decided at a 
          General Meeting. Three fifths of the total number of members must be present at such Meeting 
          and that two-thirds of the number of delegates present voted in favour of such dissolution.

     (B) In the event of the Association being dissolved, a General Meeting shall be convened to 
          appoint a Dissolution Committee to attend to all matters relating to such dissolution. All debts 
          and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Association shall be fully discharged and the 
          remaining funds shall be donated to welfare and educational Projects establish by any Sundry 
          Goods Merchants Society or Association.

     (C) Notice of dissolution will be given within 14 days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies 
          In the prescribed form.

Chapter 10 : Supplementary Rules
23. All Officers shall serve the Association in an honorary capacity. The Standing Committee shall 
     decide a case of allowance to be paid to the clerk for attending to daily duties.

24. All traveling, board and lodging expenses incurred by the delegates at the meeting shall be borne 
      by the respective members sending such delegates.The Standing Committee may resolve to pay
      part travelling and lodging allowance to the delegate whenever it deems necessary and can afford to do so.

25. These Rules and Regulations may be altered by a General Meeting and that such alterations shall
     only take effect after they have been approved by the Registrar of Societies.

26. (A) Gambling of any kind shall be forbidden on the Association's premises. The introduction of 
          opium smoking and bad characters into the premises are prohibited.

     (B) The funds of the Association shall not be used to pay the fines of members who have been
          convicted by a Court.

     (C) The Association shall not have affiliation or any connection outside Malaysia.
     (D) The Association may organise international commercial activities and when it deems
           necessary, a sub-committee may be formed to assist in the management of these activities.
     (E) The Standing Committee may, when it deems necessary form sub-committees to assist in
           the affairs of the Association.
27. Any item of expenditure not exceeding RM2,000.00 may be approved by the General Secretary.
     Any item of expenditure not exceeding RM5,000.00 may be approved by the President. Any item
    of expenditure exceeding RM5,000.00 but not exceeding RM10,000.00 shall have the prior
    approval of the Standing Committee. Any item of expenditure exceeding RM10,000.00 shall
    have the prior approval of the General Meeting of Members.The above amount of money does
    not apply to the dues payable to all Government Authorities.
28. Between Annual General Meeting, the Standing Committee shall interpret the rules of the 
     Association and when necessary, determine any point on which the rules are silent. The decision of 
     the Standing Committee shall be final unless and until counter-manded by a resolution of a General 

29. The financial year of the Association shall commence on 1st January every year.

30. Any member who wishes to resign from the Association shall give two weeks ’ notice in writing to 
     his Secretary and shall pay up all dues.

Address: No 20-2, Jln 1/92B Pudu Ulu, Off Jln Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur
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