Adjustment Notice For The SMS Credit Reback Plan - G&C INTEGRATE SOLUTION
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Date : June 1, 2022

Subject : Adjustment Notice For The SMS Credit Reback Plan

Dear Valued Customer,

First and foremost, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to you/ your company for the support during this challenging time.

In view of the COVID-19 induced impacts and rising costs from supply chain, we regret to inform that the SMS Credit Reback Plans will be adjusted. The adjustment is stated at the bottom of this notice for your reference, in effect from 1 June 2022 to 1 June 2025. You are encouraged to actively participate in the SMS Credit Reback Plans within the period.

The SMS Credit Reback Plans are referring to the recovery efforts put forward by us at G&C Integrate Solution, as the new management who took over GBS Worldwide Sdn. Bhd. in 2020. The takeover did not include any balance or debt due by previous management. In order to minimise the adverse impacts resulted from the abrupt cessation of business by GBS Worldwide Sdn. Bhd., the SMS Credit Reback Plans were proposed. For further information, please contact our regional sales representative.

We believe in the competitive advantages of our system. Our team is also currently upgrading and optimising the interfaces, features and functions of the service system to be more helpful and user friendly. We target to launch the new version of service system in the near future, please stay tuned and do not miss out this Brand New System Version!

We highly value the working relationship and partnership with you. Your satisfaction is our priority. We truly appreciate your continuous support along the journey, especially following the takeover and COVID-19 outbreak. We look forward to sustaining the long term win-win collaboration with you for future growth and success.

Lists for SMS Credit Reback Plan:

One-time Top-up PKG.B (5,000 SMS credits)

+ Reback 1,000 SMS credits

One-time Top-up PKG.C (10,000 SMS credits)

+ Reback 2,000 SMS credits

One-time Top-up PKG.D (20,000 SMS credits)

+ Reback 3,000 SMS credits

One-time Top-up PKG.E (30,000 SMS credits)

+ Reback 4,000 SMS credits

One-time Top-up PKG.F (50,000 SMS credits)

+ Reback 5,000 SMS credits

One-time Top-up PKG.G (160,000 SMS credits)

+ Reback 12,000 SMS credits

One-time Top-up PKG.H (300,000 SMS credits)

+ Reback 15,000 SMS credits

* The SMS Credits Reback depends on the record of the user's account, if top up Package H and above, the SMS Credits Reback will not exceed 50,000 SMS Credits, for more information, kindly contact or discuss to our Person-in-charge.

For any questions, please contact 016-8068963 or email to Thanks!

Best regards.
G&C Integrate Solution Management






首先,非常感谢贵公司/董事同仁对G&C INTEGRATE SOLUTION (我们)的支持与包涵,由于近年疫情的影响,再加上供应商上涨了短讯的成本,经我们公司团队研究及商讨后,我们决定调整短信积分返还计划的短信积分的数量,此项计划将于2022年6月1日起生效,而短信返还得结束日期将于2025年6月1日。所以,谨此通知我们所有的用户们尽快在有效的时限内积极参与此项短信积分返还计划,计划内容请参考下方的列表。

在此简单复述短信积分返还计划的缘由,此计划起因2020年初,因前公司(GBS WORLDWIDE SDN.BHD.)突然停止公司运作,随后由我们接管继续提供给用户们系统支援与服务,但是并不承担前公司任何债务的问题,由于已有大量的用户在前公司充值的短信积分还未使用完,考虑到用户们的利益,我们推出了短信积分返还计划来减低用户们的损失,欲知详细或想参与此计划的用户们可以想我们的客服或区域负责人了解。




单次充值 配套B (5,000短信积分)

+ 返还 1,000 短信积分

单次充值 配套C (10,000短信积分)

+ 返还 2,000 短信积分

单次充值 配套D (20,000短信积分)

+ 返还 3,000 短信积分

单次充值 配套E (30,000短信积分)

+ 返还 4,000 短信积分

单次充值 配套F (50,000短信积分)

+ 返还 5,000 短信积分

单次充值 配套G (160,000短信积分)

+ 返还 12,000 短信积分

单次充值 配套H (300,000短信积分)

+ 返还 15,000 短信积分

* 短信积分返还的总量依据用户户口的记录而定,如单次充值配套H以上的短信积分,返还最高将不超过50,000短信积分,具体的情况请与我们的负责人商讨。

任何疑问,请联络公司号码 016-8068963 或电邮至。谢谢!


Bangunan GBBM Cawangan Bukit Bakri, Jalan Ng Hoe Liat, Bukit Bakri 84200 Muar, Johor.
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