| M65<硅多收> 高氮磷钾肥专用于稻米种植。 M65 K-SILICATE Potassium silicate with added nitrogen for paddy. | |
| M61<硅大宝> 叶面硅肥能增加果量高达25%。能防吸叶虫侵害。防护菌病感染。M61 -YIELD BOOSTER Silicon foliar spray increased crop yield up to 25%. Resist fungal and viral disease. | |
| M53 -MMZ Chelated TE consisting zinc, manganese, etc + magnesium. |
| M28有机鱼露精 多用途98.6%有机鱼露液,含有丰富微量元素。 M28 -ALL PURPOSE ORGANIC FERTILIZER 98.6% organic fish emulsion fertilizer and soil conditioner with trace elements. | |
| M58<锰多能> 多用途锌,锰,硼,镁等元素 M58 -MGN Chelated TE consisting zinc, magnesium, boron & manganese etc. |
| M51有机钙硼元素 无氯化物或硝酸。能状花成果。促进果实膨大。提高甜度。果肉厚实、果实脆口。 M51 -ORGANIC CALCIUM BORON No chlorides, No nitrates, Improve fruit set, sweetness, size and taste. |
| M711土壤改良剂 高浓度超幼石灰精- 30公升同等于1公吨普通石灰。M711 -CEC BALANCED SOIL AMENDENT Ultra fine liming concentrate. 30 L equal 1 MT of CC powder. |
| M51A -CMB Multi-purpose amino calcium, boron and magnesium with Amino. |
| M35<好丰收> 多功能叶面肥。通用于瓜豆、水果、花类。含丰富微量元素。 M35 -HARVESTOL Multi-purpose foliar fertilizer for flowering and quality frulting. |
| M63<多能硅> 高科技磷钾硅叶面肥,专用于发掘更高产量的配方。 M63 -SUPER SILICON Potassium silicate formulation for crop yielding to its full potential. |
| M83 HI-K 500 High potassium ortho-phospate for oil palm etc. |
| M85<多能钾> 高科技磷钾液体肥,专用于发掘更高产量的配方。 M85 -SUPER K600 Potassium ortho-phosphata formulation for crop yielding to its full potential.