:: HOMEPAGE/首页 Welcome to MAN MAN STEAMBOAT 欢迎光临满满自助火锅烧烤 美食天堂
We are proud to be part of Batu Pahat Citizen, who has the honor to contribute to the foundership of Batu Pahat food culture. Steamboat is one the famous Chinese food which are widely accepted in most of families in Batu Pahat. Due to the nature of Steamboat meal setting, most of the citizen in Batu Pahat enjoy having steamboat as part of their daily meal or as special gathering course. In the steamboat buffet meal settings, customers have the freedom to choose their own favourite food, soup ingredients, chit-chats without any time constraint. 身为峇株/居銮人,火锅深深扎根与我们的血液之中,我们对火锅的热爱无与伦比。 自古以来,火锅餐本是非常“热”闹的一餐。随着整个社会架构的演变,它已经成为我们华人社会共聚一堂及情谊联系的一种餐饮形式。满满自助火锅作为峇株火锅行业内的领头羊,希望能为峇株居民增设一个任吃任喝,理想的自由聚会场所;一个朋友·同事·亲戚·家庭成员凝聚的好去处,边吃边聊,没时间与空间的约束。满满自助火锅更希望提供峇株人一个统一展示和交流的平台,让顾客赢回最广泛、最优质、最有效的群众基础。满满自助火锅致力于创造一个充满温馨,自由和谐的饮食平台,以峇株为基石和核心,把自助火锅文化推向全国美食爱好者 和更广阔的市场。