what is jaundice?

?  jaundice is the yellowish discolouration of the baby’s skin & white of the eyes

?   babies become jaundiced when they have too much bilirubin in their blood.

?   bilirubin is a normal pigment made when red blood cles breakdown in the body

?   it is usually processed by the liver, recycled & elimintated in the baby’s stool


is jaundice harmful?
?  most jaundice is not harmful

?  it usually shows up during the baby’s first 3 to 5 days of life


how to detect jaundice?

?  look at the white of baby’s eye, observe for a yellow discoloration.

?  check by pressing gently on baby’s chest with your fingers & observe the skin for a yellow discolouration

?  blood test (serum bilirubin)
Risk factor for jaundice  
  • Baby's blood group is incompatible with their mother’s blood gorup (abo incompatibility) or rhesus factor difference
  • g6pd deficiency. ( an inherited lifelong condition)
  • cephalohaematoma. (bllod clot in the scalp)
  • Babies whose siblings had history of jaundice & needed treatment.
  • babies who develop jaundice early in life, especially during the first 24 hours
  • breastfeeding jaundice is caused by insufficient milk intake in first few days, resulting in dehydration.
  • breast milk jaundice which occurs during the second & third weeks of life is caused by hormonal substance in the breast milk and usually is harmless
  • infection.
what will happen if jaundice is not treated early?


  • baby will be less active
  • sleeps most of the time
  • refuses breast feeding or bottle feeding
  • may develop high pitched crying
  • in a severe case, a baby may develop fits, deafness, cerebral palsy or mental retardation.
  • death
how is jaundice treated?

1.      phototherapy

?  expose baby under blue light

?  cover baby’s eyes with eyepads


2.      exchange transfusion

?  for severe case, baby might need to undergo a blood transfusion via umbilical vein, which jaundiced blood is removed.



 what to avoid?