1. Edible-Nest Swiflet_Collocalia Fuciphaga :
This type of rain swiftlet is characterized by its brownish grey feathers, dark brown eyes and black beak and feet. They measure 10-12 cm long, their wings are long and sharp, their tails are short and squarish and they are excellent flyers. They have weak feet and all four of their claws face forward, thus making it difficult for them to walk or stand. Collocalia ciphaga swiftlets use their feet to hook themselves when resting and sleeping after attaining adulthood, just like bats and they do not live in nests. They have excellent salivary glands which secrete saliva that solidify when exposed to the air. The purpose Collocalia ciphaga swiftlets build nests is in anticipation of the arrival of their youngs. When the nesting season is near, they begin to grow in size and secretion of saliva increases to be used as raw material in building their nests. Collocalia ciphaga build their nests three times annually and lays two eggs which are oval in shape and white in colour each time. From the construction of their nests [approximately 45-50 days], egg production [approximately 7-10 days], hatching [approximately 15 days], emergence of nestlings, feeding to independent flight [45-50 days], the whole process take about 110-120 days. Each nest is used once only, and harvesting of bird's nests is done only after the swiftlet nestlings have grown up, able to fly and left the nests. The average lifespan of Collocalia ciphaga swiftlets is approximately 15-20 years and each pair of swiftlets can produce 45-60 nests in its lifetime. Whether they are cave swiftlets or house swiftlets, they search for food in the morning and return to their nests by night. That is why even Collocalia ciphaga swiftlets in houses are wild swiftlets. Collocalia ciphaga swiftlets are natural enemies of insects. Their ability to catch insects is very much above other birds and animals. |