| The Science behind Edible Birds' Nests ( Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) & Sialic Acid) | | | | Recent research by academics has unveiled some key sciences that form the basis from which numerous health benefits can be derived from the regular consumption of this delicacy.
"The nutritional value of 100g of dry nest includes 49.9g of water-soluble protein (including amido nitrogen, monoamine nitrogen, non-amino nitrogen, arginine, humin, histidine, lysine and cysteine), 30.6g carbohydrate (glycoprotein and mucin), 4.9g iron, 2.5g inorganic salt (including potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, silica and other trace elements), and 1.4g fiber (Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The History of Chinese Medicine and the Nutrition Table). The energy contained in 100g of swiftlet nest is 345 kcal (Wikipedia) In fact, birds' nests contain high valued glycoprotein and are rich in minerals like amino acids, calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium to name a few. Acting as the spark plugs of life, these minerals are essential as they are required to activate thousands of enzyme reactions within the body. For example, magnesium maintains the alkaline balance and control of neuromuscular activity while sodium balances the electrolyte, body fluid volume and maintains our bodies' nerve impulse condition. It is also free from fats and cholesterol. In addition, some of the proteins and amino acid detected in edible bird nest have known antioxidant properties. A highly plausible explanation for this antioxidant activity may be due to the hydroxyl and carboxyl groups in the amino acids. Active oxygen and related elements play a significant physiological role and have a good effect in a variety of diseases including heart conditions, cancer and ageing. |
| Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) | |  | | Epidermal growth factor or EGF is a growth factor that plays an important role in the regulation of cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation by binding to its receptor EGFR. (Wikipedia) The first scientific evidence that Birds' nest contain EFG was given by Ng et al. (1986) in Hong Kong. Edible bird's nest aqueous extract was found to potentiate mitogenic response of human peripheral blood monocytes to stimulation with proliferative agents. It suggested that edible bird's nest does possess immune-enhancing effect by aiding cell division of immune cells. One year later, other scientific evidence was published by Kong et al. They demonstrated an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like activity in aqueous extract of edible bird's nest that stimulated the normal cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation and development. It offers a rationale for the medicinal use of edible bird's nest in ageing resistance. In short, the presence of EFG in birds' nest stimulates the rejuvenation of cells in human body, aid in tissue growth and hastens the process of body repair. |
| Sialic Acid | | | | Sialic acid found in bird nests are rich glycoproteins that bind selectin in humans and other organisms. It plays an important role in human influenza infections.
In a research conducted by Guo et al (2005) at the University of Shizuoka, researchers found that edible birds' nests extract could strongly inhibit infection with influenza viruses in a host range-independent manner. The results suggest that EBN is a safe and valid natural source for the prevention of influenza viruses.
Sialic Acid is also an important sugar for the development of a baby's brain, immunity against infections, and development of their digestive system. Sialic acids in birds' nests can be considered the next alternative to human milk which predominantly contain high sialic acid levels. |
| Swiftlet Bird’s nest is regarded as having a wide range of tonic and medical values. | | | | Traditionally, it is believed that swiftlet birdnest can strengthen the lungs. Consumption of swiftlet birrnest is also recommended to complement other treatments to combat degenerative diseases such as cancer and also for recovering health after illness, or surgery. Recent studies in Hong Kong suggested that it may even be useful in the treatment of AIDS.
In respect to aesthetic industry, research shown that swiftlet nest consist of high dosis of Epidermal Growth Factor(EGF). Currently EGF is used in the cosmetic industry for skin whitening, reduce wrinkles, and prevent premature aging. EGF is known to be capable of penetrating into the skin dermis to stimulate the growth of new cells, replacing cells that are old / damaged, and controls the growth of skin cells. Consuming swiftlet nest routinely is a means of maintaining one’s beauty from inside out. | |
Benefits of eating Bird’s Nest | | | | You would have heard by now that among the most popular Chinese medicinal food is the Bird’s Nest. This type of food can be costly where it could start from hundreds and reaches to thousands of ringgit. Basically, Bird’s Nest is known to be a very nutritional type of food which is very good for health.
So what makes Bird’s Nest so popular. Why would people go to great lengths to find and enjoy bird’s saliva? This is because research has shown that Bird’s Nest contain a rich amount of nutrients that are very organic. This includes minerals like zinc, copper, sodium, calcium, potassium while it has a lot of soluble glycoprotein and amino acid. | | Throughout history, it has been recorded that traditional Chinese medicine doctors have used Bird’s Nest for various medicinal reasons. This includes using this highly beneficial product for the use of treating asthma and bronchitis while it is known to help rejuvenate the skin and for anti-aging purposes.
According to scientific research, it has been found that Bird’s Nest can actually facilitate more than just skin rejuvenation. In fact, it can help in growth and provide the human body with vital energy it needs. It helps to accelerate any type of recovery from diseases while keeps the body strong in terms of immunity and metabolism.
Bird’s Nest are so popular with its benefits so well known that other types of medicinal herbs like the abalone, eggs and sea cucumbers do not come close. For the pregnant woman, Bird’s Nest is highly recommended because it helps to increase the overall health of both the mother and the child.
It helps to grow the brain of the baby while ensuring that the mother’s general health and immune system is strong. On top of that, mother’s who have given birth are encouraged to take Bird’s Nest as it helps them to recover faster while maintaining their overall beauty and body shape.
In most cases, Bird’s Nest can be consumed as they are while there are many instances when this type of food is served with other accompanying dishes like fresh milk, soup and others. This is most commonly done for the younger people as it helps to enhance their metabolism and immune system. | | The Effects of Bird’s Nest on Fitness | | Women Bird’s nest is not just the primary choice for a natural skin supplement, but it is the super-food for anti-aging. This is due to bird’s nest containing anti-oxidant minerals that fight the signs of aging. It also lightens skin pigmentation and reduces wrinkles, thus diminishing the fear of aging. It can effectively nurture the skin to promote the benefits of lightening, tightening, moisturizing and smoothening. Bird’s nest also contains a high quantity of gelatinous minerals, which also has a slimming effect and thus translates to a shapelier bodyline. In a nutshell, bird’s nest is the best anti-aging health product for women. | | Men Bird’s nest is not just a God-send for women, but it is also a supplement to replenish vitality for men. The rich protein and carbohydrate in bird’s nest quickly reenergizes its regular consumers. Long-term consumption will help to improve the mental alertness and energy level, as well as the virility of men. This is especially beneficial for working adults who live a hectic life since consuming bird’s nest helps reduce the level of lethargy and stress. | | Pregnant Mothers Under the concept of dual-nourishment for both mother and fetus, expectant mothers must be careful of their food intake in order to promote the development of healthy fetuses. The rich, active protein C in bird’s nest not only spurs the growth of human tissues, but with all the abundant nutrients it contains, bird’s nest is also able to raise the immunity levels of the human body. This helps lead to a stronger and fairer newborn. Secondly, bird’s nest has the property of stabilizing and calming pregnancies, thus easing the travail during child-birth. | | Elderly Bird’s nest’s gelatinous component contains rich collagen that alleviates the pains of arthritis. Consumption of bird’s nest can improve appetite, aid digestion, strengthen the physique, nourish lungs, improve eyesight as well as elevate the immune system. | | Children For diminutive young bodies, bird’s nest is able to boost the immune system, strengthen the body and alleviate allergies. It also improves the appetite and metabolism of children. Bird’s nest contains multiple amino-acids that promote mental alertness in children when consumed regularly. It is the best natural supplement for boosting their energy level and mental faculty when they study. If and when a child is suffering from whooping cough, consumption of bird’s nest is able to stop the coughing and heal the lungs. | | Adolescents Adolescence is the period where the most rapid growth of the body takes place. It is a time when sufficient nutrients are required to meet the demands of the physical, psychological and intellectual developments that take place. Bird’s nest contains Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) which can strengthen the physique, improve mental growth, enhance memory and promote all functional capacities of the body. |
| | | (表皮生长因子(EGF)和唾液酸) | | 学者最新的研究报告指出依据科学的一些关键,经常食用这个美味的佳肴可以得出许多健康的益处 “100克干燕窝的营养价值,包括水溶性蛋白质(包括氨基氮,单胺氮,非氨基氮,精氨酸,沪闵路,组氨酸,赖氨酸和半胱氨酸),30.6克碳水化合物(糖蛋白和粘蛋白)的49.9克,4.9克铁,2.5G无机盐(包括钾,钠,钙,镁,硫,磷,硅等微量元素),以及1.4克纤维(中国传统医学,中国医学和营养表的历史大辞典)。 所包含的100克燕窝的能量为345千卡(维基百科) 事实上,燕窝含有高价值的活性糖蛋白和富含象氨基酸,钙,钠,镁,钾,等等矿物质。作为生命的火花塞,这些矿物质都是必需的,因为他们必须在身体内成千上万激活酶反应的。例如,镁维持碱性平衡和神经肌肉活动的控制,而钠平衡电解质,体液体积和维护我们的身体的神经冲动的条件。它也是免费的脂肪和胆固醇。 此外,在一些可食用的燕窝检测出的蛋白质和氨基酸是由已知的抗氧化性能。一个高度可信的解释这个抗氧化活性,可能是由于在氨基酸的羟基和羧基。活性氧及相关元素发挥显著的生理作用,并有各种疾病,包括心脏疾病,癌症和衰老了良好的效果。 此外,食用燕窝检测出一些蛋白质和氨基酸是早已知的的抗氧化性能。一种高度可信的解释这种抗氧化活性,可能是由于在氨基酸的羟基和羧基组成。活性氧及相关元素发挥显著的生理作用,并有各种疾病,包括心脏疾病,癌症和衰老了良好的效果。
| |  | 表皮生长因子(EGF) | | 表皮生长因子或EGF在于调整细胞生长,细胞增殖,和分化通过与其受体结合EGFR。 (维基百科) 第一个科学证据证明燕窝含有EFG是由吴等人(1986)在香港指出,食用燕窝的水提物被发现可促进人体外周血单核细胞的有丝分裂,以刺激增殖剂。这表明,食用燕窝并可以辅促免疫细胞分裂成分具有产生修复细胞和改善免疫系统的效果。 一年后,其他科学证据发表了港等。。他们证实了燕窝表皮生长因子(EGF)是刺激正常细胞过程,如细胞增殖,分化和发育的水提取物的活性。它提供了对医疗用途在于抗老化性食用燕窝的理由! 简而言之,燕窝存在的EFG对刺激细胞的复兴在人体内,有助于组织生长和加快身体修复的过程。
| | 唾液酸 | | | 在燕窝发现的唾液酸是结合人类和其他生物的精选丰富的糖蛋白。它在人类染上流行性感冒中起重要作用。 在郭等人(2005)在静冈大学进行的一项研究中,研究人员发现,食用燕窝提取物可有效抑制流感病毒的感染力。结果表明,EBN是用于预防流感病毒一种安全有效的天然来源。 唾液酸也能有效幫助兒童的大脑發育,对抗感染的免疫力,他们的消化系统发育的一个重要的糖。燕窝中的唾液酸可以考虑在未来替代母乳其中主要含有高唾液酸含量。
| | | | 金丝燕燕窝被视为具有广泛的滋补和药用价值的。 传统上,人们认为金丝燕燕窝能够加强肺部。食用金丝燕的燕窝也建议以配合其他治疗方法来防治退化性疾病,如癌症等疾病或手术后的恢复健康等!最近在香港的研究表明,它甚至可能是在爱滋病的治疗中是有用的。对于美学的行业,研究表明该燕窝包括表皮生长因子(EGF)的高DOSIS的。目前,EGF被用在化妆品行业的美白肌肤,减少皱纹,并防止早衰。EGF是已知能够渗透到皮肤的真皮刺激新细胞的生长,取代那些旧细胞 / 损坏,并控制皮肤细胞的生长!食用燕窝通常是维持一个人从内到外的美丽的方法。 | | 吃燕窝的好处 | | 你会听到现在时下最流行的中国药膳是燕窝。这种可以是昂贵的类型的食物可以从数百开始到数千令吉。基本上,燕窝被称为是一种非常营养类食品,这是非常有益身体健康。 是什么让燕窝如此受欢迎。为什么人们会竭尽全力寻找和欣赏鸟的唾液?这是因为研究显示,燕窝含有丰富的营养物质的量是非常有机的。这包括如锌,铜,钠,钙,钾矿物质,同时它有很多的水溶性的活性瑭蛋白质和氨基酸。 纵观历史早已被记载,传统中国中医师早已经使用燕窝为各种药材。这包括采用这个非常有益的产品来治疗哮喘和支气管炎,而众所皆知的以帮助皮肤恢复活力和抗衰老目的的。 根据科学研究,燕窝已被发现不仅仅是促进肌肤再生。事实上,它可以帮助人体组织的生长,并提供与人体需要的重要能源。它有助于促进任何的病后恢复,同时加强人体的免疫力和新陈代谢方面。 燕窝是如此受欢迎,它的好处如众所皆知与其他类型的药材不同,如鲍鱼,鸡蛋和海参。对于孕妇燕窝是极力被推荐,因为它有助于提高母亲和儿童的整体健康。它有助于宝宝的大脑成长同时确保母体的整体健康和免疫系统强壮! 更重要的是,谁给与母亲鼓励分娩时采取燕窝,因为它可以帮助他们恢复得更快,同时保持其整体美感和体形。在大多数情况下,燕窝可以食用,因为它们同时也有当这种类型的食物供应和其他伴随的菜肴,如鲜牛奶,汤和其他许多实例。这是最常见的为年轻的人来完成的,因为它有助于提高他们的新陈代谢和免疫系统。
| | 燕窝对身体的保健功效: | | 女人 燕窝不但是女人自然保养肌肤的主要良方,这也是女人预防老化之圣品。由于燕窝含有抗氧化成分的矿物质,能淡化雀斑、皱纹等老化现象,除掉女人对岁月的惧怕。它能有效的保养肌肤,达到美白、紧实、滋润、光滑肌肤的效果。燕窝拥有丰富的胶状矿物质,可以达到塑身美体的效果,使身体线条更为突显。所以说,燕窝可以说是女人对抗岁月的最佳伴侣。 | | 男人 燕窝不只是女人恩物,也是男人补充精力之灵药。燕窝含丰富的蛋白质和碳水化合物,长期服用可以快速补充人体所需的各种能量,使人精神饱满、精力充沛、精壮阳胜。对于工作忙碌的上班族,食用燕窝可以消除疲劳,舒缓压力。 | | 孕妇 所谓一人两补的道理,孕妇要谨慎饮食,以确保胚胎在母体健康发育成长。因燕窝拥有丰富的活性蛋白,可促进人体组织的生长,加上丰富的营养价值,能提高免疫系统,让未来新生儿更壮,甚至拥有白皙的肌肤。其次,燕窝本身有助于安胎稳胎的效果,协助孕妇顺利生产。 | | 老人 燕窝的胶状物体含有丰富的胶原蛋白,可纾缓老人面对关节炎疼痛的折磨。食用燕窝可以提振食欲、调节肠胃、恢复体魄、润肺明目,增强免疫能力的效果。 | | 小孩 对于小孩弱小的身躯,燕窝可协助提高免疫系统,强壮体魄、抗敏感、刺激食欲和新成代谢。燕窝含多种氨基酸,幼儿常吃能增加思维,是小孩考试提神和增加思维的最佳天然滋补食品。当小孩面对百日咳的痛苦时,食用燕窝可帮助止咳补肺。 | | 青少年 青少年时期是生长发育最快的时期,需要充足的营养来满足生理、心理及智力发展需求。燕窝含有表皮生长因子(EGF),能强身健体、促进智力成长、提升记忆力及提高身体各机能的运作。 | | |