仙境集团简介 |
仙境集团秉持孝道伦理及慎终追远的使命感,专业墓园和殡葬事业的理念以及国际企业化的发展目标。 仙境集团结合高科技和一站式经营的现代化墓园及殡葬服务,提供安稳,可靠和真诚的服务,让客户在面临关链性的时刻,没有后顾之懮为往生者进行最后的人生之旅,更把优良的传统文化和人文价值观传承给下一代。 |
仙境集团的山庄墓园属于集团本身拥有,绝无向任何银行贷款购地,购买仙境山庄墓地的客户将拥有永远地契的保障。 |
为了确保墓园的整洁,仙境集团与太平信托服务有限公司签署信托合约,将信托基金所取得的利息,悉数充作墓园维修基金。 |
仙境山庄拥有24小时保安服务,四处角落都有保安人员巡逻,并且给于协助,让前来祭祖或凭弔先人的人们可以放心进行活动。 |
仙境集团旗下子公司 |
1.巴生仙境山莊有限公司 2.巴生仙境設計有限公司 3. 仙境殯葬服务有限公司 4. 仙境殯儀馆有限公司 5. 仙境山莊(森美蘭)有限公司 6. 仙境設計(森美蘭) 有限公司 7. 仙境山莊(柔佛) 有限公司 8. 仙境設計(柔佛) 有限公司 9. 仙境山莊(越南) 有限公司 |
Introduction of Fairy Park Group
The cemetery & bereavement care business has a long-standing history in human culture. Traditionally, the cemetery & bereavement service providers have been playing the role as a facilitator for the descendants to fulfill their filial duty as they remember and show respect for the deceased. Through a solemn ritual where the descendants part with their loved ones in a final journey where every detail is well taken care of, the bereaved should feel relieved and find peace of mind after their grievous loss.
As time goes by, our fond memory toward deceased loved ones never comes to an end after their funeral. Towards this end, modern day cemetery & bereavement caretakers are going the extra mile by promoting respect for life after death and creating the awareness of honouring filial piety and care for the elderly as well as fostering the virtue of gratitude.
Steered by the mission to uphold filial morality and pay respect to the deceased ancestors, the Fairy Park Group is committed to realize its vision by expanding the professional cemetery & bereavement care business as an international enterprise.
The Fairy Park Group incorporates high technology and one-stop concept into its modern cemetery & bereavement caretaking business to provide consistent, reliable and sincere services for its clients by arranging a hassle-free final journey for the deceased as it passes on the age-old cultural and humanistic values to the next generations. |
Freehold cemetery land
Fairy Park Group’s cemetery land is self-owned property under freehold title. No mortgage loan is involved. Every graveyard plot buyer is guaranteed a freehold ownership title. |
Maintenance Fee
Fairy Park Group has entered into a contract with Pacific Trustee Bank Berhad to maintain the cleanliness of the graveyard,while all interests earned will go into a maintenance fund. |
24-hour security service
Fairy Park Group provides 24-hour security service where private security guards are deployed to patrol every nook and corner and offer assistance so that all visitors who come to pray at the cemetery can experience peace of mind in the park. |
Fairy Park Group’s Subsidiary Companies |
- Fairy Park Sdn.Bhd.
- Fairy Park Design Sdn.Bhd.
- Fairy Park Funeral Services Sdn.Bhd.
- Fairy Park Funeral Parlour Sdn.Bhd.
- Fairy Park (Seremban) Sdn.Bhd.
- Fairy Park Design (Seremban) Sdn.Bhd.
- Fairy Park (Johor) Sdn.Bhd.
- Fairy Park Design (Johor) Sdn.Bhd.
- Fairy Park (Vietnam) Sdn.Bhd.