彩玲非常感谢将她医治好的陈兆初中医师。她继续说:“如果我朋友也有肿瘤,我一定会介绍她接受陈医师医治,因为我确实是被他医好的。” | |
雍树(山石榴) 的果子、根、叶, 与其他草药秘方配制而成的药物,挽救了一名乳癌重疾者的生命!
范竹芸庆幸的说,倘使她不是遇上陈医师,可能双乳己经被割除,正接受电疗及化疗的医治。 | |
| 2000年,才18岁的张智诗,听到医生告诉她患上肾衰竭的消息时,顿时晴天霹雳,她不能接受,可是事实终归是事实,不由她不相信。
经过陈医师半年多的治疗后,再去检验,结果主诊医生看了她的检验报告后,竟然告诉她一个天大的好消息:她的病情进展得非常迅速,不须要洗肾洗血了!以前的张智诗,脸色苍白,肚子水 | 肿呈圆球状;脚肿,没有食欲还很疲倦。此外,她的尿酸很高,尿带有血丝,小便有很多泡沬,这是因为蛋白质流失了。服用了陈医师的草药后,今天的张智诗,她身体上各种不适的症状,几乎都消失了。报告显示,她的身体各种机能良好,巳接近复原阶段。
一旦被证实患上肾脏病后,张仁富的生活从此脱离不了洗肾。一周三次,每次费时四个小时,加上来回交通,一天非花上五个小时不可! 在洗肾的过程中,血液中的蛋白质也会一同排出体外。所以在洗肾后,张仁富觉得很疲累,洗肾日子一久,竟连走路也无力,更遑论工作了,这种日子真是苦不堪言!医生虽有给维他命B、C、钙、铁和补血针,但收效不大。张仁富四处求医,只是没有一位能有效地医治他的肾病。后来,他在报上看到一篇介绍一位善治肾脏病的中医师陈兆初的报导后,赶紧上门求医。没想到他生命中的转捩点就在此时出现。经陈医师仔细诊断之后,
张仁富服食了陈医师为他提供的三四种中药后,病情大大好转,精神体力渐渐充沛起来,脸上血气红润,精神饱满,不像从前冼肾过后一副力不从心的样子。没想到陈医师的中药有如此大的药效,这使他更有信心继续服食下去。 |
据陈医师说,他所开的中药是他祖传的古方,对强化肾脏功能有很大的药效,屡试屡验。只要服食两个月,便可看到成果,诸如不需再打补血针、精神体魄好转不再疲倦、肚胀消失、血气红润、食欲增加、大小便顺畅、洗肾后不再疲累、洗肾次数减少等。陈医师还说,他的处方是通治全身脏腑的。故收效宏显! | |
Yang Cai Ling, 31-year-old young woman, unfortunately found out that she have uterine tumor, not one, but three large tumors respectively with 54.2mm, 55.0mm and 49.6mm in size. Due to the seriousness of her condition, the doctor urged her to undergo a surgery operation immediately to remove the tumors.
She did not undergo that operation, instead she found a Chinese Physician Dr. Chan Chew Chok who is introduced by her boss. Miracle happened! After consumed the traditional chinese medicine for a month, she returned to hospital for medical checkup and x-ray, the doctor told her with unbelievable expressions that the three tumors have disappeared. Her tumor is cured and she does not need to undergo surgery anymore!
Yang, who is from Menglembu, Perak, mentioned, at the beginning of July 2007, she went to clinic for x-ray scan after a lumbar sprain during her work. After the x-ray scanning, the doctor told Yang that her lumbar injury is minor injury, but she has three tumors at the right of her womb.
She continue to say that she was sad, and she was unable accept the news mentally. Yang was very worried and at the same time she does not want to undergo the surgery operation. One of her friend introduced her to another clinic which is using laser technology. Yang prefers to use laser technology to remove the tumor because it does not need any surgery. Yet doctors told her that she is not suitable for the laser treatment, but have to undergo an operation immediately to remove the tumor.
For surgery, Yang is very worry. This is because one of her friend, who had ovarian tumor, has undergone surgery operation as well, but the disease recurrence and grows into new tumor. Some of Yang's relatives also suggested she seek Chinese physicians helps before undergo any surgery. Therefore Yang finally decided to look for help from a Chinese physician, Dr. Chan Chew Chok.
Yang went back to hospital for a follow-up body check and x-ray scan after consume the traditional chinese medicine from Dr. Chan for a month. After the examination, doctor told Yang with astonishment that she had her tumors completely disappeared, miraculously all three tumor is disappeared!
Yang is very grateful to Dr. Chan's treatment. She went on to mention that: "If any of my friends have cancer, I will introduce her to receive medical treatment from Dr. Chan, I am cured because of his treatment." |
A chinese medicine made by Randia spinosa (雍树) fruit, roots, leaves, and other herbs has been used to save a breast cancer patient's life!
Fan Zhu Yun, a primary school teacher, after suffering from breast cancer, she approach both western and eastern treatment, but there is only small improvement on her illness. The doctor suggested that remove her breast and then go for radiation therapy and chemotherapy in order to cure her. Right before she made her decision whether to accept the doctor's suggestion, coincidently she found out about Dr. Chan Chew Chok. At that time she was suffering from breast cancer for more than two years. Dr. Chan cured Fan with a chinese medicine which is the combination of Randia spinosa (雍树) and other herbs. Miracle happened, Fan is cured! She does not have to remove her breast and also suffer the radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Fan Zhu Yun said: "June 15, 2003, is my first medical meeting with Dr Chan. At that time, I have about a total of five breast cancer, and I am in the second phase of breast cancer. The evening after I am back from Dr Chan's medical treatment, one of the tumors was broken and outflow of blood. There was another outflow of blood from another tumor on the second week. At that time, I am afraid that because I think most probably blood outflow is caused by the high toxin level in the body. I was worried that if the body toxin is not eliminated, the cell cancer will be spread to other body organs. Dr Chan encouraged me to continue his chinese medicine treatment. Really, the two broken tumor were completely disappeared. After that, the other three tumors were also disappeared. Today, I am gaining weight, and energetic, of course, live healthy and happy! "
Fan Yun Zhu fortunately said that she would have her breast removed and suffer from the radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment if she did not meet Dr Chan. | |
| In 2000, Zhang Zhi Shi who is only eighteen is shocked when the doctor told her that she is suffering from renal failure, she can not accept it, but the fact is same even she did not believed.
Zhang Zhi Shi recalled the moments of that time, she say: "The doctor told me that I have to undergo dialysis treatment, at that time I was only 18 years old, still so young, if I have to undergo dialysis then it is a lifetime matter. As a result, I decided not to undergo the blood dialysis. In these three years, I have taken a lot of Chinese and Western medicine, but do not have any significant improvement. In June 2003, I saw a news report that there are patients recovered under the Chinese medicine treatment from Dr Chan's. Therefore I seek Dr. Chen for treatment." |
After more than six months of chinese medicine treatment under Dr Chan, Zhang went to hospital for a body check. After the examination report shows that her condition has a very rapid and significant improvement, and she does not have to undergo the blood of dialysis! Previously Zhang was pale have spherical belly, edema, loss of appetite and always tired. In addition, she also has high uric acid, urine with blood, urine with bubbles, which indicate the loss of the protein. After Zhang undergone Dr Chan's medical treatment, all the symptoms mentioned above almost faded. The body examination shows that Zhang's body condition is recovering and very close to the recovery phase.
Zhang Zhi Shi says very happily: "Today I am almost fully recovered, so I am very grateful to Dr. Chan who helped me regain my health!"
Zhang Zhi Shi recalled the moments of that time, she say: "The doctor told me that I have to undergo dialysis treatment, at that time I was only 18 years old, still so young, if I have to undergo dialysis then it is a lifetime matter. As a result, I decided not to undergo the blood dialysis. In these three years, I have taken a lot of Chinese and Western medicine, but do not have any significant improvement. In June 2003, I saw a news report that there are patients recovered under the Chinese medicine treatment from Dr Chan's. Therefore I seek Dr. Chen for treatment."
Zhang Zhi Shi recalled the moments of that time, she say: "The doctor told me that I have to undergo dialysis treatment, at that time I was only 18 years old, still so young, if I have to undergo dialysis then it is a lifetime matter. As a result, I decided not to undergo the blood dialysis. In these three years, I have taken a lot of Chinese and Western medicine, but do not have any significant improvement. In June 2003, I saw a news report that there are patients recovered under the Chinese medicine treatment from Dr Chan's. Therefore I seek Dr. Chen for treatment."
After more than six months of chinese medicine treatment under Dr Chan, Zhang went to hospital for a body check. After the examination report shows that her condition has a very rapid and significant improvement, and she does not have to undergo the blood of dialysis! Previously Zhang was pale have spherical belly, edema, loss of appetite and always tired. In addition, she also has high uric acid, urine with blood, urine with bubbles, which indicate the loss of the protein. After Zhang undergone Dr Chan's medical treatment, all the symptoms mentioned above almost faded. The body examination shows that Zhang's body condition is recovering and very close to the recovery phase.
Zhang Zhi Shi says very happily: "Today I am almost fully recovered, so I am very grateful to Dr. Chan who helped me regain my health!"
The kidney disease, some saying "rich man's disease", which means the disease that cost a lot of money as well as time for cure. Mr. Chang Ren Fu is one of them who suffered from kidney disease. In a morning in 1995, when Mr. Chang is cleaning up, he suddenly felt pitch dark, then his visualization becomes blur and difficult to breathe. After the doctor's examination, discovered that Mr. Chang is under serious kidney failure, his uremic level in blood has reached a dangerous level, is necessary for emergency dialysis. Then doctor operated on his eye because his optic nerve has been split, filled with blood, had to undergo surgery to rescue!
Once confirmed that Mr. Chang is suffering from kidney disease, he has to undergo dialysis for the remaining life. Three times a week, four hours each time, plus transportation time, which is almost five hours a day! In the process of dialysis, the blood protein will be excreted along with. Therefore, after dialysis, Mr. Chang will feel very tired, after long time on dialysis, Mr. Chang felt very hard for him to walk and work, those days are really suffering! Although doctors provide vitamins B, C, calcium, iron and anti-anemic for him, does not help much on him. Mr. Chang looked for treatment everywhere but none are effective in the treatment of his kidney disease. Later, he came across an article in a newspaper about effective treatment on kidney disease under Chinese medicine Physician Chan Chew Chok. Mr. Chang immediately seeks medical treatment from Dr. Chan. After Dr. Chan's careful diagnosis, he came out a prescription with four kinds of Chinese medicine for Mr. Chang.
After Mr. Chang took the Chinese medicine, his condition greatly improved, and becomes energetic. Mr. Chang did not expect the Chinese medicine treatment has such a good effect, which later make him more confident to continue to use it.
Mr. Chang said: "During the dialysis, my hands are pale; everyone will know that I am sick. After taking the chinese medicine for one week, swollen belly reduced, gradually shrinking back to the normal, and the legs have become stronger."
According to Dr. Chan, medicine he used is ancient patrimony; it has significant effect in the enhancement of renal function. It needs only two months to get the results, such as anti-anemic, no longer physically tired, swollen belly is disappeared, increased appetite, no longer tired after dialysis and reduction in the number dialysis. Dr. Chan also said that his chinese medical prescription works on whole body. Therefore the effect is significant. | |