| “学生健康保障计划” 为什么我需要全方位完善保障的服务网? 我们从小每天都会面对许多风险,如汽车意外,跌到, 打抢, 生病, 癌症, 传染疾病, 食物中毒 ... 等等。提早预防计划,保护家人生命和财产。
 当发生其中一件事故时, 我们是要选择用自己的银行储蓄, 信用卡, 还是医药卡 ? 如果严重需要30万到50万,我们有足够的现金来还医药费吗? 现在每个人都怕昂贵的医疗费 !!! The Older You Are, The Higher The Chance Of An Illness!

We Are Giving Solution & Helping People! 我们给于解决方案和帮助人们!
 “学生健康保障计划” 在马来西亚16年提供结合了完整全方位的医药保障,预防疾病检验,环球紧急救护和指南, 为您健康和财富把关,照顾您和家人全年365天,每天24小时,至80岁。 敬爱的父母, Dear Parent, 您会选择 A 计划,还是 B计划给儿女们呢? Would you choose packageA or B for your children ? 计划 PACKAGEA 每天只需Everyday just RM 4.23 /= 每月只需Every month only RM 127.00 /=
*您儿女立刻得到,价值 两百一十万 (RM2,100,000)年保障 = 终生保障 医药卡 *Your child could get Two point One million ( RM2,100,000 ) annual limit = life time limit medical card protection
*附加 22 项特别完整预防和治疗利益,比如海外及本地紧急医疗疏散及移送回国服务高达一百万美金(RM 1,000,000)等。 *Plus extra 22 benefit of total healthcare program, like arrangement of International & Domestic Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation maximum Cost of USD One million. ( USD 1,000,000 )
*Pathlab每年免费提供52 项综合性健康检验, 加上5项肿瘤/癌症检验, 直到80岁。 *Pathlab yearly provide 52 tests of Comprehensive Health Screening, plus 5 cancer makers.
请按下图22项利益 : please refer 22 kind of benefit as below :

计划 PACKAGEB 每天只需Everyday just RM 3.83 /= 每月只需Every month only RM 115.00 /=
*您儿女立刻得到,价值 一百九十五万 (RM1,950,000)年保障 = 终生保障 医药卡 *Your child could get One Point Nine Five million ( RM1,950,000 ) annual limit = life time limit medical card protection
*附加 22 项特别完整预防和治疗利益,比如海外及本地紧急医疗疏散及移送回国服务高达 一百万美金(RM 1,000,000)等。 *Plus extra 22 benefit of total healthcare program,,like arrangement of International & Domestic Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation maximum Cost of USD One million. ( USD 1,000,000 )
*Pathlab 每年免费提供52项综合性健康检验, 加上肝胎蛋白质检验, 直到80岁。 *Pathlab yearly provide 52 tests of Comprehensive Health Screening, plus liver related cancer makers .
请按下图22项利益 : please refer 22 kind of benefit as below :


结合六家强大顶级服务公司,提供全方位服务系列, 保障您和家人健康和财富。由以下公司领导......
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