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發财果 Lucky Assorties | 招财果 Fortune Assorties | 發财糖 Golden Treasure | 财神果 Emperor Assorties |
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花生糖 Suji-Kacang Keping Peanut Candies | 芝麻棒 Gula Bijian Sesame Candies | 养生全谷物 Oatmeal Pop Rice Delite Bijirin Beras Potong | 旺礼袋 Season Cookies |
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寿桃 Plum | 香芋酥 Biskut Keladi Yam Cookies | 秦仁巧克力酱曲奇 3 in 1 Moore Cookies | 黑芝麻燕麥曲奇 Biskut Gandum Berbijian Hitam |
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发达 Fatat | | 鸿运當头 Good Luck | 五谷丰收 Bumper Harvest |
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福禄寿禧 Prosperity | 旺年糕 ( 大 ) Gold Cake ( B ) | 旺年糕 ( 小 ) Gold Cake ( S ) | 招财进宝 ( 斋菜 ) Fortune |
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财源广进 ( 糖料 ) Plentiful | 元宝年糕 Gold Cake | 常满富贵瓮 Millionaire | 四季平安 Happiness |
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杏仁白咖啡酱曲奇 White Coffee Cookie With Soft Almond White Coffee | 草莓酱曲奇 Strawberry Cookies With Soft Strawberry Filling | 花生酱曲奇 Peanut Cookies With Soft Peanut Butter Filling | 秦仁巧克力酱曲奇 Chocolate Cookies With Soft Hazelnut Chocolate Filling |
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娘惹水晶土凤梨酥 Nyonya Pineapple Cookies | 草莓酱曲奇 Strawberry Cookies With Soft Strawberry Filling | 秦仁巧克力酱曲奇 Chocolate Cookies With Soft Hazelnut Chocolate Filling | 精致花生酥 Tropicana - Peanut Cookies |
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Jade Cake | | | |