MU Optik 是一家具有多年历史,著名的眼镜专业公司,素以“验配准确、技术精良和专业能力强而闻名。自公司成立以来,我们籍其诚信服务和朴实作风,深得顾客的信赖,在眼镜零售业中一直处于领先地位。开业初期,我们以先进技术经营眼镜片,能配近视、远视、散光镜。同时我们也具有眼镜加工装配及验光配镜的丰富经验和精湛技艺。 MU Optik has been established for many years, and famous with our expert fitting prescription glasses skills, and also the professional services. Besides, we are using the advance technology for lenses making. Therefore, we have become one of the trustworthy optical brand to the customers.
当发展上了轨道以后,我们随后也开设了多家分店,我们经营规范扩大,品种齐全,镜架多种多样及多元的镜片供顾客选择以满足不同的需求。此外,我们著名的磨制镜片技师,磨制技术水平较高。验光设备齐全,准确,保质保量。经营各种变色镜、平光镜、隐形眼镜、老花镜、单层镜、双层镜等,设有电脑验光、加工配镜、修理等业务。 With a view to develop our business, we decided to establish branches. We provide various types of frames and lenses to fulfill the needs of the customers.
我们是一个开拓创新,不断进取的企业,技术、经营、管理、专业等各项能力始终站稳眼镜零售行业市场。当初引进了电脑验光机、查片检测仪和自动磨边机,后来又陆续使用新型综合验光仪、电脑磨边机、角膜地图仪,验光配镜的硬件配备确保顾客得到可靠产品质量和服务质量。规范性方面,也远远走在行业前列。从环境、商品、服务、经营、管理等各个方面,从验光、选架、配片、开方、装配、检验、取镜到维修等各个环节,都制定了一系列规范化、标准化、量化、可操作化的规章制度和流程,形成了一整套具有该公司特色的经营管理规范。 Moreover, we are aggresive and innovating as to make sure all aspects of the are company getting better and better. Furthermore, we have fomulated a series of rules and regulations of standardization in eye examination, frame fitting, repairing and etc. and these have becoming the management peculiarities. |