Treating Rashes / 条理红疹 |
Baby suffered from rashes for 2 weeks. After applying Strong Acidic Water pH2.5 + spraying Beauty water pH5.5 for 3 weeks, the rashes have subsided.
婴孩患红疹两个星期,每日用了pH2.5強酸水喷洒患處并用美白水pH5.5。 三个星期后,红疹消逝了。
Treating Acne / 条理暗疮 |
using strong acidic water pH2.5 to spray affected area & wash with beauty water pH5.5 + drinking Kangen water pH8.5 daily. After 5 months, the condition improved tremendously
後每日用pH2.5強酸性水噴患處, 用pH5.5美白水洗皮膚 及飲用pH8.5 電解還原水, 5個月後改善了不少
Treating Diabetes / 条理糖尿病
Madam Lim from Singapore | |
Treating Extreme Dryness / 富贵手 |
Female – Age 50 , suffers from extreme dryness for many years Sept 2013, Started drinking 2-3 litres of Kangen water pH9.5 and sprayed Strong Acidic water pH2.5 + Beauty water pH5.5 on affected area. 3 weeks later, the drying has improved tremendously.
多年富贵手問題在9月2013 開始每日飲2-3升pH9.5還原水及用pH2.5強酸水噴患處 + pH5.5 美白水 3个星期后已改善了很多, 皮干燥减少很多。
Female – Age 50 , suffers from extreme dryness for many years Sept 2013, Started drinking 2-3 litres of Kangen water pH9.5 and sprayed Strong Acidic water pH2.5 + Beauty water pH5.5 on affected area. 3 weeks later, the drying has improved tremendously.
多年富贵手問題在9月2013 開始每日飲2-3升pH9.5還原水及用pH2.5強酸水噴患處 + pH5.5 美白水 3个星期后已改善了很多, 皮干燥减少很多。 |
Treating Eczema / 条理濕疹 |
Female - Age17, suffers from eczema for many years 10 May Started drinking 2-3 litres of Kangen water pH9.5 and sprayed Strong Acidic water pH2.5 on affected area. 26 June, the eczema has cleared and no more itch.
女士年齡:17歲 ,多年濕疹問題在5月10日開始每日飲2-3升pH9.5還原水及用pH2.5強酸水噴患處,到6月25日已改善了不少, 皮膚濕潤了及沒有痕癢。
Kangen Water pH 2.5 – Eczema pH2.5还原水治湿疹
Kangen Water pH 2.5 used in many Japanese hospitals for treatment of varieties of skin conditions, e.g. Eczema. Patients are advised to drink Kangen Water daily and use acidic water to bathe the affected areas. After 2 weeks, the vesicles dried up. The Eczema symptom was completely cleared.
许多日本医院应用 p.H2.5 强酸 水泡有湿疹部位的 病人,同时给他们喝还原水。 以上病况在2个星期完全康复。
(Source: Prof. Tamura Tatsuji, Keifuku Rehabilitation Center)
Suffering from Serious Psoriasis Problem / 牛皮藓缠身多年 |
Canadian Distributor suffering from Psoriasis 加拿大伙伴受牛皮癣折磨
17 Days later (17天后)
35 year female, suffers from psoriasis for many years. Costly and lots of medications did not help. After using Strong Acidic water pH2.5 and beauty Water pH5.5 to spray on the affected area and drinking 3-4 litres Kangen water pH9.5, the condition improved tremendously after 2 months.
女士年齡:35歲 ,多年牛皮藓問題。 以用了好多昂贵的西药都每帮助,自从每日用了pH2.5強酸水喷洒患處并用美白水pH5.5 + 喝3-4升pH9.5還原水 2个月后,已改善了好多。 |
Ms Susan, Singapore – Suffering from Psoriasis for many years, lost of confidence
Ms Susan, 新加坡,牛皮藓缠身多年,失去信心 |
Sleep Disorder Improved / 睡眠问题改善 |
Mdm Wong, 新山,多年的睡眠问题 |
Children’s Asthma & Own Deafness Improved 孩子的啸喘及自己的耳聋改善 |
Mr Wong, KL, children suffering from asthma & he suffer deafness for years
Mr Wong, 吉隆坡,孩子啸喘及自己耳聋多年
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