|  |  | 办事时间Operating Hours: 每逢星期一、三、五、初一及十五 (晚间 八时正)
开放时间Opening Hours : 每天早上七时至晚上七时
执行秘书Secretary: 苏汶财 016-337 3496
勇全殿全年活动庆典: 农历正月十五,五府王爷 农历六月十八,池府王爷神诞千秋 农历七月十八,盂兰盛会 农历八月十六,白府王爷神诞千秋 农历八月十七,本殿平安宴会
地图Location Map :

| | HISTORY | |  | |  | A water colour painting painted by Capt. George in 1811 AD |
| Yong Chuan Tian 勇全殿 Tee Ong Yah Temple is located at Bandar Hilir, Malacca. Due to the lack of recorded documents, its exact date of establishment could not be determined. Nevertheless, an early water colour painting painted by Capt. George of the Bengal Native Infantry in 1811 A.D., illustrating “the gaol in Bandar Hilir”, had incidentally portrayed a temple-like building with a pair of couplets in Chinese characters hanging on both sides of its entrance. Interestingly, this building's outlook resembled much to the Yong Chuan Tian Temple's structure today. If the guess made were not wrong, then we could speculate that the temple had already been established in Bandar Hilir not later than 1811 A.D. |
| | ---------------------------------------------------------- | |  | The wooden shrine dated "wuyin and the 23rd year Jiaqing's reign" |
| Even if the above speculation does not hold water, an engraved date found at the wooden shrine that housed the image of Tee Ong Yah reads “wuyin” 戊寅 and the 23rd year of Jiaqing's 嘉庆 reign “(1818 A.D.), could be taken as the possible/reliable date of Yong Chuan Tian Tee Ong Yah Temple's establishment. |
| | ---------------------------------------------------------- | |  | The Wooden tabllet dated "17th year of Daoguang's 道光 regin" by Capt. George in 1811 AD |
| A wooden tablet carrying the characters “zhaoming yourong” 昭明有融 donated to the temple by Cai Shouqing in 1837A.D. (17th year of Daoguang's 道光 reign) is not among the earliest historic relics found in Yong Chuan Tian or “ The Court of Perfect Bravery”, Bandar Hilir. Hence, Tee Ong Yah Temple has served the Chinese community in Malacca for almost two hundred years. |
| | ---------------------------------------------------------- | |  | An ancestor tablet in memory of 11 founder members of Yong Chuan Tian |
| Tee Ong Yah is distinguished by his distict black face.He was brought by a Beh Hang 马巷 (of Quanzhou Prefecture) Hokkien from China to Malacca. No record regarding the person who brought the god from China could be traced. There is,however,an ancestral tablet dedicated to the eleven member immigrants who founded The Yong Chuan Tian Temple 故会首 housed at the back of the main shirine hall of the temple till today. However, no one could specifically recall background of any one of these names engraved in the tablet.The god, Tee Ong Yah,has been remarkably successful in prescribing medicines and hence become incresingly popular among the worshippers. Every year on the birthday anniversary of the deity, offerings are made to him. |
| | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | THE WANGKANG FESTIVAL | |  | | The Wangkang Festival is of Hokkien origin, and it is help in China, only in Chiang Chew Hoo and Chuan Chew Hoo ( 2 very large districts of the Hokkien province ) and in Malacca. In the early days, it was also help in Manila, but I don’t know whether it is still being held there or not. I have heard of it also being held in Sarawak.
During the persecution of the Chinese by the Manchus in the Ching Dynasty about 3 centuries ago, a great many Hokkien people emigrated from China and some of them sailed towards Malaya, and the first country they reached was Malacca, where they settled down and worshipped the Ong Yahs as they had been used to in their own country. As customary, their descendants – the straits-Born Chinese – followed their footsteps in worshipping five Ong Yahs and this is why Malacca is the only place in Malaya, where the Wangkang procession is held. The five Ong Yahs according to seniority are : - 1. Choo Hoo Ong Yah - Temple at Kandang. 2. Hoon Hoo Ong Yah - Temple at Kampong Tiga, Kubu. 3. Tee Hoo Ong Yah - Temple at Bandar Hilir. 4. Lee Hoo Ong Yah - Not Temple, but a shrine accommodated in Malacca Hainan Association at Jonker Street. 5. Pek Hoo Ong Yah - No Temple, but a shrine accommodated at Yong Chuan Tian. The legendary account of the Ong Yahs is quite interesting. During the reign of Eng Lock Koon in the Ming Dynasty about 5 centuries ago, there lived a man who was famous for his supernatural power. He was the high priest of Taoism named Teo Tian Soo. The Emperor wishing to test his ability got together 360 Chin Soos or scholars to play music in the underground cell of his royal palace. At the height of the music, the Emperor sent for the high priest and asked him to stop it. The high priest declared the musicians were not devils, and he could silence them if only the emperor would take responsibility of their lives. Based on the Emperor assent, he sprinkled a handful of a mixture of rice and salt ion the floor and struck it with his magic sword with the result that the heads of the 360 scholars were completely severed. On the very night, the indignant and dissatisfied souls appeared before the Emperor and demanded their lives of him. The high priest was summoned and asked to make the scholars come to life again which feat was an impossible for him. | |  | | Captured The Souls Anyhow, to prevent the king from being molested again, he captured the souls by mean of his magic and confined them in a casket which he threw into the sea. The casket was later washed ashore where a beggar happened to be rambling about. Eager to find some valuables, he opened it but found to his dismay, the souls flitting away towards heaven. They ( the souls ) appeared before The Jade Emperor who appointed them as Kim Tian Hoo or High Commanders. They then came down into the world and reappeared before the Emperor. The high priest was again consulted and on his advice, the Emperor canonized them “Ong Yahs” or Princess with the title of Tye Tian Soon Siew ( Power of an Imperial Justice ) and declared that whichever part of his dominion they visited they would be worshipped. Five of them, as already mentioned, have been worshipped by the Hokkien people in Chiang Chew Hoo, Chuan Chew Hoo and Malacca, and also in countries, where there are many Hokkiens. The idea of the Wangkang procession is to capture all the evil spirits which are responsible for the epidemic scourges and chaotic conditions of the world, and send them away in the Wangkang to the unknown, and to pray for peace and prosperity of the whole world, and Malacca in particular. In Malacca, it was first held, as far as it can be traced, about 87 years ago at Kandang, and from that time up to 1880, it took place every 5 and 8 years. In 1891, after a lapse of eleven years when the outbreak of cholera was very virulent, it was again held, and since then it has been taking place every 14 years. The one held in 1905 was just 4 days after the signing of the Peace Treaty between Japan and Russia, and when the Chinese boycotted the American goods. In 1919, it was a year after the great world war and the influenza epidemic, and there was also the Chinese boycott of Japanese goods. The present Wangkang is due to some of the local Chinese writing to the Committee of the Cheng Hoon Teng Temple informing that Choo Hoo Ong Yah of Kandang spoke through his Tang Chee or medium that the time was up for another Wangkang festival. Extract of a speech given by the Late Rotarian Dr. Tan Seng Tee, addressing the Rotary Club on the Great Wangkang Festival 16th November, 1933. | |  |  |  |  | YEAR 1919 | YEAR 1933 | YEAR 2001 | YEAR 2012 |
| | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | WANGKANG GALLERY | |  | | 1st day of 8th Lunar Month Construction of Wangkang Yard. | | |
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| | 14th day of 8th Lunar Month | | Rising of ' Koh Teng ' Between 7.00 A.M to 9.00 A.M. An oil lamp on a bamboo pole of 52 feet high. - Installation of ' Koon Chong ' & ' Ngoh Hong ' ( Deities & Generals of 5 posts together with armies to guard the Wangkang yard ) | |
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| | 15th day of 8th Lunar Month | | Laying of Wangkang keel. Construction of Royal Barge Begins | |
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| | Naming of the Wangkang | | Naming of the Wangkang ceremony was held on the 15th day of the 11 Moon corresponding to 9th December, 2011 at 9.00am. Initiated by the Chairman of Cheng Hoon Teng Standing Committe Mr. Lung Heng Jim and Datuk Ng Peng Hay. These two gentlemen were chosen by virtue of their Zodiac being a Tiger Mr. Lung Heng Jim and Datuk Ng Peng Hay being a Dragon Zodiac. | |
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| | Lauching Official Website and Facebook | | Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam has been invited to officially launch the official website and facebook of Yong Chuan Tian . | |
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