| Address 地址 : 18, 1st Floor, Jalan Pesta 1-1, Taman Tun Dr.Ismail(1), Jln Bakri, 84000 Muar, Johor. 预约请联络: For Appointment please call: 06-951 3990
Business Hours 营业时间: 10:30am - 8:00pm
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| | | |  | | 全身排毒疏通護理優惠價RM288,一共有15次的護理 純氧臉部護理原價RM250,現在優惠價RM98 針對暗淡皮膚,乾性皮膚,毛孔粗大的顧客 可以達到美白保濕的效果和改善油性膚質 3in1回春護理-耳燭,排毒蒸氣浴,全身淋巴按摩優惠價RM75 | |
| | | | Reborn Nutri Bifidus整の肠菌 | | 3分鐘束走20克油份 1日阻隔500卡路里 整“之”腸菌收縮和解決“肚腩,大腿,手臂,臀部,腰圍”粗大問題, 去油,去水腫,去脹風,去油粒,去痘痘,排毒,排宿便,消化不良,溫和腸胃。 服用REBORN雙歧整“之”腸菌。 餐後10分鐘,開始形成蠕維狀,束住油份。進食8小時後,所有油份束在蠕維球內,並隨糞便排出體外。內臟脂肪速減50%,腹部內臟脂肪細胞圖8週間「肚腩收細」成功率98.2%【日本臨床研究證實,功效如下:】 「便秘,腹瀉,去油,宿便」 *飲用1-2週後,排便量增多,但絕無腹瀉反應; *连续8周后,肠内蠕动全面调整,便秘,腹泻解消,把过多油份束走排出体外。 「肚腩,下半身肥胖,去水腫」*連續飲用8週後,大腿,臀部,手臂,腰圍收緊; *「肚腩收細」更非常明顯,成功率高達98.2%。 「去痘痘,去油粒,肌膚粗燥,肌膚光澤度」 *飲用4週後,肌膚毛孔明顯收縮,面部油脂分泌恢復平衡; *連續8週後,痘痘明顯減少,肌膚明顯恢復原有的光澤度。 「排毒,去脹風,腸胃消化不良,小腸吸收能力,溫和腸胃」*飲用4週後,去除胃脹風,腸胃消化問題; *連續8週後,明顯減少體內宿便,去水腫。 「宿便」自然脫落,「毒素」吸著排出 | | 大马”广告小天王” 戴祖雄 5位数代言DE BEAUTY REBORN COLLAGEN PLUS 美肤饮品 | |  | |  | |  | | Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 让你每天轻松又享“瘦”。
懒人瘦身 NO 1 14天让你狂瘦15 镑!!
来自日本,最畅销瘦身产品 REBORN LACITINE GREEN COFFEE 震撼全马瘦身界。 全新组合,市场独一无二,达到快速瘦身效果而100%天然成份,无副作用。 早上享受一杯天然瘦身绿咖啡让你每天轻松又享“瘦”。 一个新完整的绿咖啡让你对抗肥胖的问题,其高水平,广阔研究,日本唯一首家自创, Reborn Lecithin 使你变的更有身材。
Lecithin Green Coffee 共有7种的 Active Ingredient
绿咖啡(Green Coffee) 绿咖啡是没被烘烤过的咖啡豆,它含有很高的营养成分。咖啡豆包含大约250种不同的化学物质,一些对人类健康有正面作用。减肥主要的功能,是能在短时间内加速体内的血液循环,和新陈代谢,达到快速燃烧脂肪的效果。 (注:市场上只有一家公司在用,Farmasi的牌子Kxxxxxxx 和我们 De Beauty )
卵磷脂 (Lecithin) 卵磷脂的是大豆卵磷脂的主要成分。卵磷脂的最大功能是它能够分解脂肪的分子。让脂肪的分子变小,容易被燃烧。卵磷脂是医学上已经证明,以减少胆固醇,增加新陈代谢,增强肝脏功能。卵磷脂在过去几年里已在德国广泛使用作为局部脂肪燃烧或燃烧整体脂肪。效果好,又安全。(注:市场上没有任何一家公司在用,只有 De Beauty )
左旋肉鹼(L-Carnitine) L -肉碱是9种的必需氨基酸的其中一种。L-Carnitine也能帮助运输体内的葡萄糖到身体的每个角落达到平衡,就不会让身体有部分肥胖的问题出现。 左旋肉鹼(L-Carnitine)能把脂肪在短时间内把带入线粒体(细胞的其中一个部位,主要是燃烧脂肪,转换能量运用)帮助脂肪完全燃烧把它转换成能量让身体运用消耗。無副作用。服用左旋肉鹼(L-Carnitine),配合有氧運動,能提高脂肪的消耗,減肥達到事半功倍的效果!
绿茶 (Green Tea) 绿茶当中含有的茶多酚(Polyphenols),能帮助抗氧化,抗菌,抗肿瘤,抗病毒,压制“低密度脂肪蛋白”(LDL)(分解血液中的胆固醇)和压制“血糖上升的功效”与保护细胞防止自由基破坏。 绿茶所含的抗氧化物质“儿茶素”(Catechins,是茶多酚的一种),对减肥有明显效果。 绿茶所含儿茶素能有效帮助解决腰腹部肥胖,同时绿茶能间接提升新陈代谢加速脂肪燃烧,分解甘油三酯酶达到减肥的效果。
维他命 B(Vitamin B) 有帮助提升线粒体的燃烧能力,维他命 B 是线粒体的营养供应。缺乏维他命 B 的供应线粒体的能量不足,很难消耗由左旋肉鹼(L-Carnitine)带来的脂肪。
藤黄果(Garcinia) 它具有3大功能,它能抑制脂肪的合成,原理就是在人体葡萄糖转为脂肪时,抑制其中一个ATP CITRATE LYASE的酶素 ,使脂肪酸无法合成,拼且抑制糖解(Glycolysis)作用的进行。促进脂肪酸的燃烧,迅速激活肾上腺素加快脂肪消耗,分解燃烧大量的脂肪。和减少脂肪的吸收,藤黄果含有丰富的植物纤维素能使胃具有饱和感,使人体减少食物的取入。
幾丁聚糖(Chitosan) 其原理是當人體攝取脂肪及脂肪酸後,幾丁聚糖(Chitosan)可以在消化道內阻礙脂肪的吸收且將脂肪排出體外卻又不會影響到人體必需的蛋白質吸收。因此減肥的人可以食用含脂肪的蛋白質而不必擔心吸收太多由脂肪提供的熱量。因此可減少體內多餘脂肪及膽固醇而達到減肥的功效。
Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 产品的 Question & Answer: 1。一盒几多钱?几多包?喝多久可以看到效果? 答:西马110/东马120,顾客一次拿两盒,同一地址,免邮费;如果只是一盒,全国统一邮费+rm10,每盒里面14包,早餐时,配以100ml的热水冲调,一般人在均衡的饮食下,30天大约能减掉4至5公斤。
2。Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 是如何让身体进行瘦身?答:Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 拥有七种天然成分,有效阻隔脂肪引堆从而减少脂肪的积存。同时能支持体内的糖分转换为能量,提高新陈代谢,并可燃烧所累积的脂肪。
3。如果有胃痛可以喝Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee吗? 答:服用我们的Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee减肥是不用节食的。如果有胃痛症状的人是不会造成胃痛恶化。吃早餐时,配以100ml的热水冲调,与早餐一起享用。
4。服食Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 期间需要节食吗? 答:正确的健康是不必挨饿,均衡的饮食才能吃出完美的体态,只要不吃宵夜就能达到效果。
5。Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee有没有没加糖的? 答:我们的Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee特点是不加糖(如:白糖、砂糖、蔗糖、葡萄糖等),而以代糖(Sugarsubsitute)代替糖分,让享用Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee减肥的用户同样能品味到甜味,让您既可以享受咖啡又能“甜得很健康”。
6。Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee喝了会心跳加速和晚上会睡不着吗? 在减肥的过程中Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 提升体内新陈代谢和血液循环来加速帮助体内燃烧脂肪,心跳的加速原因是新陈代谢和血液循环加速的原故。一般我们是建议用户早上吃完早餐后饮用。 咖啡里主要含有咖啡因,它是一种较为柔和的兴奋剂可以刺激人的神经使人兴奋,而且有提神的作用.所以睡前6小时内最好别喝咖啡,会影响睡眠.咖啡利尿可治便秘。每天喝适量的咖啡可以将患心脏病的几率降低30%。咖啡里还含有单宁酸,具有收敛性及止血、防臭的作用,咖啡好处多,每天喝2—4杯咖啡还是有益的.
7。Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 适合什么人群服用? 答:适合男女想要健康保持标准体重,让自己拥有一副健美诱人的身躯者。
8。 有什么人不适合服用Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee ? 答:身体状况不好的人如血压高,胆固醇,心脏病,肾脏病,癌症病患者。怀孕期间哺乳的妇女,与刚动完手术者。
9。服食 Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 会有任何副作用吗? 答:Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 是无刺激及具有天然的淀粉分解作用,基于双向糖类阻断方程式是留在人体内的脂肪堆,它不会进入血液里或影响身体器官。因此安全方面绝无问题,完全符合国际学标准的无副作用健康瘦身。我们是采用天然的成份提炼的。
10。服用Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 期间需要注意哪些事顶? 答:每天需喝2000ml的温开水,有助身体把废物与毒素排出体外。(效果更佳)
11。为何开始服用瘦身产品体重很快下降,经过一段时间体重会停顿,减不下来? 答:这是身体自我调整于适应期中,减肥速度就会慢慢减缓。一般都会在一般时间的调适后,体重就可以跨过这瓶颈期,再继续往下减。停滞期是减肥必定经过的过程。
12。停止服用Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 体重会反弹吗? 答:减肥体重达到标准后,必须注意饮食的均衡,避免进食高盐,高糖,高脂肪,保持勤做远动或可继续服用Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 以作保健,保持标准的体重。 | | | |  | |  | |  | | Why We Need BLUEVELLE?
BLUEVELLE is safe and free of side effects, no rebound and no diarrhea. Only one sachet a day and in 30 days you can see an amazing difference! BLUEVELLE is an effective, fast and simple way to lose weight. Works great for both men and women!
Nutriline ---天然瘦身最佳拍档 Bluvelle/Nuelife 神奇的瘦身 の无需节食 の无需吃药 の不会腹泻 の无需流汗 の无需挨饿 の无需运动 让您一个月30天轻松瘦身, 健康瘦身! | | | |  | |  | |  | |  | | Reborn StemCell Placenta®
DE BEAUTY独特首创,在市场上独一无二的完美配搭的美肤饮品。De Beauty ?推出的明星产品是 结合了 [干细胞 StemCell + 胎盘素 Placenta] 于一身的美肤饮品。。
7天打造0瑕疵肌肤 !!
De BEAUTY® Reborn StemCell Placenta®细胞讲解:
活化细胞, 修复损坏细胞,细胞再生能力是抗老化或延缓衰老,维持青春的首要程序,如此才可恢复年轻。目前,最广为人知的活化与延长寿命的方法是细胞疗法。既是说,只要减少损伤率,定期的替代受损细胞,修补分子或活化变质的细胞和组织,就能达到延长寿命的目的。它已证实为安全并有效减缓老化,帮助我们恢复活力与体能。 许多生物医学家相信,未来的医学突破是在活化组织。他们利用细胞疗法,细胞替代法与修补分子来解决老化与疾病问题,重新带来一个完整的年轻机会。 当我们的年龄达25岁,体内死亡的细胞将渐渐超越新生细胞的速度,令各器官功能正常的细胞越来越少,负荷相对变大。同时,肌肤将失柔软的弹性与韧性,形成皱纹,令人变苍老。除自然衰老之外,空气污染、饮食不当、熬夜、抽烟与酗酒等原因,皆会加速老化的脚步。 随着年龄增长,皮肤的细胞活动力减慢,真皮渐渐变薄,皮下脂肪萎缩,令肌肤失去保护膜与弹性,因而变得干瘪,粗糙。此外,皮肤的修补能力亦会随之下降。
技术与科技:天然海藻干细胞的生物工程酶T4酵素与深度超导传输科技。深度超导传输科技能进入断层,替换与修复断裂DNA .
Reborn Collagen Plus is the only all-in-one beauty beverage in the market. It can truly indulge your skin to get the moisturized, whitening, firming, delicate and beautifying effect! | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | | You may drink it instantly and makes moisturizing and whitening easier. With full and essential care during your busy work, it helps maintain your skin at optimum level. 5 in 1 Perfect Beauty Product, resolves your skin problems REBORN COLLAGEN
COLLAGEN - Firming
Hyaluronic Acid - Moisturize
SOY ISO - Smoothness
Pueraria Mirifica - Breasts enhancing
L-Glutathlone - Whitening effect
Marine Collagen Peptide (Skin Firming) Collagen is the protein of connective tissues. It has a huge degree of elasticity which is also an important part of the composition of ligament and tendon. The collagen also dominates the elasticity and recovery of our skin. As aging takes place, eventually it will cause wrinkles.
What are the problems can Marine Collagen Peptide solve?
Our body needs to absorb 4,500mg -5,000mg of Marine Collagen Peptide every day. Black eye, eye bag, fine wrinkles, wrinkles, spots, freckles, large pores, neck wrinkles, scar, dull skin and double chin, are the effect of lacking collagen peptide. Marine Collagen Peptide will be able to help in such conditions.
Six major skin beauty functions make you more perfect: - Prevent, restore, skin care to aging process, enhance cells regeneration - Strengthen skin tightness, restore skin elasticity and firmness, contract large pores - Smoothen, moisturize and soften the skin - Effectively enhance the skin metabolism - Reduce face wrinkles , fine wrinkles, crow's feet, sagging skin and dull skin - Able to reduce melanin, spots, freckles and age spots - Effectively reduce black eye, eye-bag issue, by having a pair of charming eyes.
Pueraria Mirifica (Breast Enhancement) For women, the chest and figure can be considered as career and be seen as their achievement. A woman with her perfect ???cleavage?? is every woman natural mission. With a perfect figure, then only be able to show the fascination of famine. The key of confidence, fascination is determined by a lady??s ???career?? ??? that is the shape of her breast and her figure structure. For men, Pueraria Mirifica helps to firm the muscle, and smoothen and soften the skin. It is also very useful in anti-aging and solves the acne problem. The precious Pueraria Mirifica is definitely a perfect plant.
The factors that cause flat and small breasts: - Wrong slimming method - Pregnant - Breast dysplasia - Lack of vitamins - Hormone imbalance - Sagging - Aging skin - Shrinking
Did you have such problems? - Breast dysplasia, flat or size not even? - The breasts shape not nice looking, outwards and sagging problem? - The skin texture surrounding the breasts area is rough and dull? - Shrinking breast, soften and lack of elasticity? - Not satisfied with the breast outlook?
Pueraria Mirifica consists of more than 13 types of active phytoestrogens and isoflavones?? which are able to help stimulate and activate the secretion of women hormone and promote the growth of mammary gland and breast cells.
9 major breasts enhancement effect: - Firmer breasts - Perky breasts - Improve the breast development issues - Soften and smoothen the breasts - Reduce pigmentation, restore its originally light reddish colour. - Regulate hormone - Alternative to breast enhancement surgery - Improve menstrual discomfort - Firming, enlarge and enhance breasts size
It really enlarges!
16-23 years old enlarged 1.6cm
23-32 years old enlarged 1.2cm
32-40 years old enlarged 0.6 cm
Soy Isoflavones Soy Isoflavones promotes regeneration of cells, collagen growth and anti free radicals in the body. Therefore, it helps to enhance the elasticity and firmness of the skin, eliminates fine wrinkles and wrinkles as well as free radicals to prevent the skin damage due to the exposure under sunlight. At the same time, it also helps to control pigmentation and prevent the forming of freckles and spots. From womens perspective, Soy Isoflavones contains function which similar to human estrogen and it can also help in firming the breast and balance hormone.
7 major functions: - To overcome sagging skin to become firmer, smoother, softer and more moisturized. - Firming effect to the breasts and buttock - Maintain skin whitening and soften effect - Enhancing breast - Regulate hormone - Anti-aging effect - Enhance sex life quality
Hyaluronic Acid If compared with normal moisturizing products, Hyaluronic Acid has 500 times more moisturize absorption level. Hyaluronic Acid helps skin to absorb and retain skin moisture to prevent dried skin condition. Hyaluronic Acid also helps to balance the oil and moisture level of the skin in order to maintain its smoothness and moisturized condition. The research showed that the Hyaluronic Acid is a very effective moisturizer, and amongst the most effective moisturize substance of all.
7 major functions which make your skin smoother, moisturized and softer - Improve dried and rough skin - Retain skin moisture - Maintain skin smoothness and moisture condition - Enhance skin luster - Improve skin peeling phenomenon - Penetrate deeply into deep skin level to replenish water - Enhances the smoothness of the skin
L-Glutathlone L-Glutathione retains in human liver, and it is an important anti-oxidant of human body. It helps to eliminate free radicals of the human body and cleanse body toxin. Furthermore, it also helps to detoxify the liver and reduce the burden of the liver. L-Glutathione is an essential element of whitening effect. L-Gluththlone will be able to dissolve in deep skin level and eliminate pigmentation and prevent any new pigmentation too. It turns pigmentation and yellow pigment to become red pigment which will help to provide a total whitening effect to the skin, and turn your skin to be smooth, supple and radiant like a baby. It restores damaged cells and prevents any damages of free radicals, stimulate skin regeneration. L-Gluththlone also plays an important role in prevention of ultraviolet damage effect.
9 major functions which make your skin become excellent - Reduce pigmentation and restore pinkish effect - Sun-block effect - Immediate whitening effect - Superb anti-aging effect - Reduce pigmentation - Fare skin texture - Spots, freckles and old spots will not be a problem anymore - Improve un-even texture and skin colour - Lighten black-eye effect
Q&A Q.1 What are the differences between Reborn Collagen Plus with other kind of collagen peptide? Reborn Collagen is totally a natural formulation. It contains five types of formulas that enhance its radiant with anti-oxidant effect too. It is not only improved your sagging skin and it enhances breasts shape too. It also improves your dried skin condition and makes you feel youthful and reduce the chances of having old age speckle and wrinkles. It also with firming, luster and whitening effect, which makes you look younger.
Q2: How long do I have to consume to experience its effect? The clinical research showed that after consume for a week, skin can become firmer, smoother. After 30 days the skin can even more smoother and moisturized and the condition of the skin would be improve clearly. As for the enhancing of the appearance of vigor in your breasts, after 20 days, you will be able to feel its enlargement, firmness and fuller.
Q3: Why it is better to consume collagen peptide together with vitamin C? The amino acid composition of collagen is rather special, which hydroxproline exists only in collagen. The production raw material of Hydroxyproline provided by proline, Proline can only be conducting synthesis reaction with the assistance of vitamin C. A remarkable point is body unable to synthesize vitamin C, it has to be obtained from food. Where by REBORN COLLAGEN contains huge amount of vitamin C.
Q4: Does it cause weight gain after taking it? No. It will not cause that effect. It is even better while you are on diet, it helps to enhance skin elasticity.
Q5: Will PUERARIA MIRIFICA which is exist in Reborn Collagen cause any side effects after consume by men ? No, it will not cause any side effect to male. It helps male to firm his muscle, makes the skin smoother and softer. It can also helps in anti-aging process and solves the acne problem.
Q6: After the skin improved, do I still need to continue with it ? Yes. As we grow older, our production of collagen will become slower. After 25 years old, the level of collagen will decrease 1.5% yearly. Adding with uncontrolled factors such as solar and radiation exposure (Ultraviolet A / Ultraviolet B), insufficient of sleep and stay up all night, decrease of immune system during aging process, pressure, environmental pollution, alcohol, smoking, lifestyle, eating habits and long-term medication. Therefore, we should regularly intake marine collagen peptide to maintain our youthfulness.
Q7: Any side effect after consuming Reborn Collagen? It will not cause any side effects after taking it. Usually for women, depends on their individual physical condition may cause some reaction such as, leucorrhea (white vaginal discharge) and fever etc. That is because REBORN COLLAGEN PLUS contains PUERARIA MIRIFICA which regulates women hormonal balance effectively. During its regulating process, it may cause such phenomenon. After consume for one week, such condition will improve. Therefore, please rest assured to consume it with peace of mind.
Q8: Is this suitable for those who pregnant? A: Those who pregnant are not suitable for taking it. If anyone who are having any prescription, medication and under physicians?? guidance must first consult their physicians.
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