
| Gentle Cleansing Milk Cleansing Milk contains essential oils, which gently removes surface impurities, keeps moisturizing, and purifies the skin. 洗面奶含添加独特精油、能轻柔地去除表面杂质、保持滋润保湿、皮肤达到净化肌肤。
| Cleanser D This gentle yet through cleanser is specially formulated non-greasy and with pH-balance, replenishing the nutrients needed by the skin, perfectly clean your face free from dirt.
|  | Deep Cleansing Deep cleansing of skin, remove pores of skins, smooth and comfortable, with double protection of cleaning and maintenance.
|  | Cleanser Foam Cleanser Foam that not only removes dirt, it also purifies the pores of the skin and keeps the skin soft, delicate, clear, bright and smooth, leaving skin feeling fresh and comfortable.
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 | Black Soap A cleansing bar contains a lot of natural vitamins A and E effectively relieves skin dryness and long lasting moisturizing.
|  | Orange Soap A cleansing bar removed deer seated dirt and excess oil while gradually helping the skin feels fresh and clean.
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 | S.Orange Soap A cleansing bar removed deer seated dirt and excess oil for acne skin while gradually helping the skin feels fresh and clean.

| Refreshing Toner ( W ) Moisturizes and nourishes Toner, promotes cell regeneration, hyaluronic acid protects the skin's moisture, protects the skin for a long time, keeps it fresh and bright.
保湿滋养爽肤水,促进细胞再生,透明质酸保护皮肤内的水份,呵护皮肤长时间保持湿润,恢复清新亮丽。 | 
| Refreshing Toner ( Y ) Rich in vitamins, it has anti-inflammatory ingredients, calms, soothes and repairs skin, controls oil, helps to regenerate damaged skin tissue.
| Refreshing Toner ( P ) Purify the skin, anti-acne and anti-blackhead. It helps promotes microbes of skin and not irritating to skin.
| | Refreshing Toner ( G ) Help refreshes and strengthen the anti-wrinkle effect, full of hyaluronic acid, rich moisturizing factor, not only regulate skin texture. and also restoring the skin's proper pH. 水嫩保湿精华水能加強紧致抗皱的功效,含滿滿的玻尿酸及丰富的保湿因子,不但能调理肌肤肤质,还能恢复肌肤的pH值。 | 
| Refreshing Toner ( B ) Replenishing water, can reduce the stimulation of glands, make pores smooth and easily absorb. It helps to maintain skin hydration and firmness.
补水,能够补充所失的水分,舒缓,能够降低皮脂腺的刺激,让毛孔通畅,便于营养吸收。 | | Toner Menthol Specially help anti-bacteria, tighten pores and balance greasy skin. It help to solve the formation of impurities. It has an anti-septic effect and help to remove the excess sebum.
| Refreshing Toner ( O ) Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and shrinking pores properties, Clarifying and refreshing ideal for acne and oily skin.

| UV Cream ( P ) Double functioning with UVA / UVB for sunshine protection, make skin soft and natural, suitable for whitening, lack of ruddy skin and lack of luster people's use.
UVA & UVB 双重防护 SPF35/PA+++,使皮肤丝柔自然粉嫩,适合泛白,皮肤缺乏红润,缺乏光泽者使用。
|  | UV Cream ( W ) Double functioning with UVA / UVB for sunshine protection, increase skin radiance, suitable for dull skin, uneven pigmentation skin people's use.
UVA & UVB 双重防护 SPF35/PA+++,含防紫外线,增加肌肤光泽,适合暗沉皮肤,肤色不均匀者使用。
|  | UV Cream ( Y ) Double functioning with UVA / UVB for sunshine protection, skin looks more gently and shine with protection against sunlight exposures, and it make you look younger and lovely.
UVA & UVB 双重防护 SPF35/PA+++,皮肤看起来更柔和,闪耀着阳光,使皮肤高度滋润补水防燥,适合皮肤红润,肤色正常者使用。
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Cream ( BO ) It have special formula activate cells, contains sunscreen, able to repair rough skin and suitable for acne, blackheads skin people's use.
能让激活细胞, 含有防晒的功能, 粗造的皮肤得到修复, 具有祛痘作用针对青春痘, 对于脸部有青春痘、黑头、粉刺适合使用。
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Cream ( BH ) It have special formula activate cells, contains sunscreen, improve skin whitening and hydrating, make skin softer, fairer, and smoother. 能让激活细胞, 含有防晒的功能,提升肌肤美白及补水的作用,使肌肤变得更柔软、白皙、光滑。 |  | Cream ( HO ) It have special formula combines and moisturizing agent micro spheres, contains sunscreen, increase skin cell nutrition, moisturizes and replenishes the moisture needed by the skin.

| Eye Gel This Eye Gel help to relieve eye edema, contains oil free complex is specially to smooth and brighten the delicate skin around eye area, reduce the appearance of oil particles and oil bubbles, reduce the appearance of fine line.
眼霜可缓解眼部浮肿,含有较多的水嫩滋润成分, 帮助减少油粒和油泡的出现,改善皱纹及抚平细纹并减轻眼袋。
| Gold Eye Gel

| Calviar Mask With the help of highly concentrated active ingredients protein-containing caviar extract, prevent skin pigmentation, Improves the lack of elasticity and vulnerable skin and dry skin.
|  | Acne Cream Mask Seaweed Mask can prevent of acne, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, calms and purifies the skin, suitable for acne-prone skin.
| Acne Cream Mask ( C ) Charcoal mask can reduce the oily face, adsorbs dirt inside the pores, cleanse excess oil from the skin.
|  | Hydro Mask Hydro Mask suitable for dehydrated skin, regain hydration, softness, and fullness, deep hydration, brightening, and moisturizing.
| | |  | Calming Rehydrating Collagen Mask Calming Rehydrating Collagen Mask can enhance blood circulation, deep hydration, calm sensitive and damaged skin, leaves skin soft and rich in collagen.
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